

A table.

This type is an extension of schema:Table.


Name @id Type Description Inherited from
rows stencila:rows Array of TableRow Rows of cells in the table. Table
about schema:about Array of Thing The subject matter of the content. See note 8. CreativeWork
alternateNames schema:alternateName Array of string Alternate names (aliases) for the item. Thing
authors schema:author Parser ‘csi’ and Array of (Person or Organization) The authors of this creative work. CreativeWork
caption schema:caption Array of BlockContent or string A caption for the table. See note 3. Table
comments schema:comment Array of Comment Comments about this creative work. CreativeWork
content stencila:content Array of Node The structured content of this creative work c.f. property `text`. CreativeWork
dateAccepted stencila:dateAccepted Date Date/time of acceptance. See note 4. CreativeWork
dateCreated schema:dateCreated Date Date/time of creation. CreativeWork
dateModified schema:dateModified Date Date/time of most recent modification. CreativeWork
datePublished schema:datePublished Date Date of first publication. CreativeWork
dateReceived schema:dateReceived Date Date/time that work was received. CreativeWork
description schema:description Array of BlockContent or Array of InlineContent or string A description of the item. See note 2. Thing
editors schema:editor Array of Person People who edited the `CreativeWork`. CreativeWork
fundedBy stencila:fundedBy Array of (Grant or MonetaryGrant) Grants that funded the `CreativeWork`; reverse of `fundedItems`. See note 9. CreativeWork
funders schema:funder Array of (Person or Organization) People or organizations that funded the `CreativeWork`. CreativeWork
genre schema:genre Array of string Genre of the creative work, broadcast channel or group. CreativeWork
id schema:id string The identifier for this item. Entity
identifiers schema:identifier Array of (PropertyValue or string) Any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing. See note 5. Thing
images schema:image Array of (ImageObject or Format ‘uri’) Images of the item. Thing
isPartOf schema:isPartOf CreativeWorkTypes An item or other CreativeWork that this CreativeWork is a part of. CreativeWork
keywords schema:keywords Parser ‘csi’ and Array of string Keywords or tags used to describe this content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas. CreativeWork
label stencila:label string A short label for the table. Table
licenses schema:license Array of (CreativeWorkTypes or Format ‘uri’) License documents that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL. CreativeWork
maintainers schema:maintainer Array of (Person or Organization) The people or organizations who maintain this CreativeWork. See note 1. CreativeWork
meta stencila:meta object Metadata associated with this item. Entity
name schema:name string The name of the item. Thing
parts schema:hasParts Array of CreativeWorkTypes Elements of the collection which can be a variety of different elements, such as Articles, Datatables, Tables and more. CreativeWork
publisher schema:publisher Person or Organization A publisher of the CreativeWork. CreativeWork
references schema:citation Array of (CreativeWorkTypes or string) References to other creative works, such as another publication, web page, scholarly article, etc. CreativeWork
text schema:text string The textual content of this creative work. CreativeWork
title schema:headline Array of InlineContent or string The title of the creative work. See note 6. CreativeWork
url schema:url Format ‘uri’ The URL of the item. Thing
version schema:version string or number The version of the creative work. See note 7. CreativeWork


  1. maintainers : A maintainer of a Dataset, SoftwareApplication, or other CreativeWork. A maintainer is a Person or Organization that manages contributions to, and/or publication of, some (typically complex) artifact. It is common for distributions of software and data to be based on “upstream” sources. When maintainer is applied to a specific version of something e.g. a particular version or packaging of a Dataset, it is always possible that the upstream source has a different maintainer. The isBasedOn property can be used to indicate such relationships between datasets to make the different maintenance roles clear. Similarly in the case of software, a package may have dedicated maintainers working on integration into software distributions such as Ubuntu, as well as upstream maintainers of the underlying work.
  2. description : Allows for the description to be an array of nodes (e.g. an array of inline content, or a couple of paragraphs), or a string. The minItems restriction avoids a string being coerced into an array with a single string item.
  3. caption : An array of nodes or, to be compatible with, a string.
  4. dateAccepted : This is not yet a property but the term is used in Dublin Core.
  5. identifiers : Some identifiers have specific properties e.g the issn property for the Periodical type. These should be used in preference to this property which is intended for identifiers that do not yet have a specific property. Identifiers can be represented as strings, but using a PropertyValue will usually be better because it allows for propertyID (i.e. the type of identifier).
  6. title : Allows for the title to include inline content (e.g Strong, Math) or a string. The title can not be block content e.g Paragraph. The minItems restriction avoids a string being coerced into an array with a single string item.
  7. version : In this case string is listed as an alternative before number to avoid semantic version numbers e.g. 1.0 being parsed, and subsequently encoded, as 1 thereby resulting in loss of information.
  8. about : Consistent with, this property allows for linking to one of more Thing nodes. This could for example include a Person (e.g for a bibliography) or a DefinedTerm (e.g. for subject areas the creative work relates to).
  9. fundedBy : This follows the proposal here for a property that is the reverse of fundedItems. It is an any because a CreativeWork may have been funded through more than one Grant.

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This documentation was generated from Table.schema.yaml.