Module schema.types
Python classes for schema types.
Expand source code
# This file was automatically generated by `python.ts`.
# Do not modify it by hand. Instead, modify the source `.schema.yaml` files
# in the `schema` directory and run `npm run build:py` to regenerate it.
"""Python classes for schema types."""
from typing import Any, Dict, List as Array, Optional, Union
from enum import Enum
ECitationMode = Enum("CitationMode", ["Parenthetical", "Narrative", "NarrativeAuthor", "NarrativeYear", "normal", "suppressAuthor"])
EClaimType = Enum("ClaimType", ["Statement", "Theorem", "Lemma", "Proof", "Postulate", "Hypothesis", "Proposition", "Corollary"])
EItemListOrder = Enum("ItemListOrder", ["ascending", "descending", "unordered"])
ENoteType = Enum("NoteType", ["Footnote", "Endnote", "Sidenote"])
ESessionStatus = Enum("SessionStatus", ["unknown", "starting", "started", "stopping", "stopped", "failed"])
ECellType = Enum("CellType", ["data", "header"])
ERowType = Enum("RowType", ["header", "footer"])
class Entity:
The most simple compound (ie. non-atomic like `number`, `string` etc) type.
id: Optional[str] = None
"""The identifier for this item."""
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
"""Metadata associated with this item."""
def __init__(
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
if id is not None: = id
if meta is not None:
self.meta = meta
class Cite(Entity):
"""A reference to a CreativeWork that is cited in another CreativeWork."""
target: str
"""The target of the citation (URL or reference ID)."""
citationIntent: Optional[Array["CitationIntentEnumeration"]] = None
"""The type/s of the citation, both factually and rhetorically."""
citationMode: Optional["ECitationMode"] = None
"""Determines how the citation is shown within the surrounding text."""
citationPrefix: Optional[str] = None
"""Text to show before the citation."""
citationSuffix: Optional[str] = None
"""Text to show after the citation."""
content: Optional[Array["InlineContent"]] = None
"""Optional structured content/text of this citation."""
pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None
"""The page on which the work ends; for example "138" or "xvi"."""
pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None
"""The page on which the work starts; for example "135" or "xiii"."""
pagination: Optional[str] = None
"""Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd;
for example, "1-6, 9, 55".
def __init__(
target: str,
citationIntent: Optional[Array["CitationIntentEnumeration"]] = None,
citationMode: Optional["ECitationMode"] = None,
citationPrefix: Optional[str] = None,
citationSuffix: Optional[str] = None,
content: Optional[Array["InlineContent"]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
pagination: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if target is not None: = target
if citationIntent is not None:
self.citationIntent = citationIntent
if citationMode is not None:
self.citationMode = citationMode
if citationPrefix is not None:
self.citationPrefix = citationPrefix
if citationSuffix is not None:
self.citationSuffix = citationSuffix
if content is not None:
self.content = content
if pageEnd is not None:
self.pageEnd = pageEnd
if pageStart is not None:
self.pageStart = pageStart
if pagination is not None:
self.pagination = pagination
class CiteGroup(Entity):
"""A group of `Cite` nodes"""
items: Array["Cite"]
"""One or more `Cite`s to be referenced in the same surrounding text."""
def __init__(
items: Array["Cite"],
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
if items is not None:
self.items = items
class Code(Entity):
"""Base type for code nodes e.g. `CodeBlock`, `CodeExpression`."""
text: str
"""The text of the code."""
format: Optional[str] = None
"""Media type, typically expressed using a MIME format, of the code."""
programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None
"""The programming language of the code."""
def __init__(
text: str,
format: Optional[str] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if text is not None:
self.text = text
if format is not None:
self.format = format
if programmingLanguage is not None:
self.programmingLanguage = programmingLanguage
class CodeBlock(Code):
"""A code block."""
exportFrom: Optional[str] = None
"""A compilation directive giving the name of the variable to export
into the content of the code block.
importTo: Optional[str] = None
"""A compilation directive giving the name of the variable to import
the content of the code block as.
def __init__(
text: str,
exportFrom: Optional[str] = None,
format: Optional[str] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
importTo: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if exportFrom is not None:
self.exportFrom = exportFrom
if importTo is not None:
self.importTo = importTo
class CodeChunk(CodeBlock):
"""A executable chunk of code."""
alters: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Names of variables that the code chunk alters."""
assigns: Optional[Array[Union["Variable", str]]] = None
"""Variables that the code chunk assigns to."""
caption: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], str]] = None
"""A caption for the CodeChunk."""
declares: Optional[Array[Union["Variable", "Function", str]]] = None
"""Variables that the code chunk declares."""
duration: Optional[float] = None
"""Duration in seconds of the last execution of the chunk."""
errors: Optional[Array["CodeError"]] = None
"""Errors when compiling or executing the chunk."""
imports: Optional[Array[Union["SoftwareSourceCode", "SoftwareApplication", str]]] = None
"""Software packages that the code chunk imports"""
label: Optional[str] = None
"""A short label for the CodeChunk."""
outputs: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None
"""Outputs from executing the chunk."""
reads: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Filesystem paths that this code chunk reads from."""
uses: Optional[Array[Union["Variable", str]]] = None
"""Names of variables that the code chunk uses (but does not alter)."""
def __init__(
text: str,
alters: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
assigns: Optional[Array[Union["Variable", str]]] = None,
caption: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], str]] = None,
declares: Optional[Array[Union["Variable", "Function", str]]] = None,
duration: Optional[float] = None,
errors: Optional[Array["CodeError"]] = None,
exportFrom: Optional[str] = None,
format: Optional[str] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
importTo: Optional[str] = None,
imports: Optional[Array[Union["SoftwareSourceCode", "SoftwareApplication", str]]] = None,
label: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
outputs: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None,
reads: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
uses: Optional[Array[Union["Variable", str]]] = None
) -> None:
if alters is not None:
self.alters = alters
if assigns is not None:
self.assigns = assigns
if caption is not None:
self.caption = caption
if declares is not None:
self.declares = declares
if duration is not None:
self.duration = duration
if errors is not None:
self.errors = errors
if imports is not None:
self.imports = imports
if label is not None:
self.label = label
if outputs is not None:
self.outputs = outputs
if reads is not None:
self.reads = reads
if uses is not None:
self.uses = uses
class CodeFragment(Code):
"""Inline code."""
def __init__(
text: str,
format: Optional[str] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
class CodeExpression(CodeFragment):
"""An expression defined in programming language source code."""
errors: Optional[Array["CodeError"]] = None
"""Errors when compiling or executing the chunk."""
output: Optional["Node"] = None
"""The value of the expression when it was last evaluated."""
def __init__(
text: str,
errors: Optional[Array["CodeError"]] = None,
format: Optional[str] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
output: Optional["Node"] = None,
programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if errors is not None:
self.errors = errors
if output is not None:
self.output = output
class CodeError(Entity):
An error that occurred when parsing, compiling or executing a Code node.
errorMessage: str
"""The error message or brief description of the error."""
errorType: Optional[str] = None
"""The type of error e.g. "SyntaxError", "ZeroDivisionError"."""
stackTrace: Optional[str] = None
"""Stack trace leading up to the error."""
def __init__(
errorMessage: str,
errorType: Optional[str] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
stackTrace: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if errorMessage is not None:
self.errorMessage = errorMessage
if errorType is not None:
self.errorType = errorType
if stackTrace is not None:
self.stackTrace = stackTrace
class Date(Entity):
"""A date encoded as a ISO 8601 string."""
value: str
"""The date as an ISO 8601 string."""
def __init__(
value: str,
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
if value is not None:
self.value = value
class Mark(Entity):
A base class for nodes that mark some other inline content in some way
(e.g. as being emphasised, or quoted).
content: Array["InlineContent"]
"""The content that is marked."""
def __init__(
content: Array["InlineContent"],
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
if content is not None:
self.content = content
class Delete(Mark):
"""Content that is marked for deletion"""
def __init__(
content: Array["InlineContent"],
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
class Emphasis(Mark):
"""Emphasised content."""
def __init__(
content: Array["InlineContent"],
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
class Thing(Entity):
"""The most generic type of item."""
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Alternate names (aliases) for the item."""
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None
"""A description of the item."""
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None
"""Any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing."""
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None
"""Images of the item."""
name: Optional[str] = None
"""The name of the item."""
url: Optional[str] = None
"""The URL of the item."""
def __init__(
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if alternateNames is not None:
self.alternateNames = alternateNames
if description is not None:
self.description = description
if identifiers is not None:
self.identifiers = identifiers
if images is not None:
self.images = images
if name is not None: = name
if url is not None:
self.url = url
class Brand(Thing):
A brand used by an organization or person for labeling a product, product
group, or similar.
name: str # type: ignore
"""The name of the item."""
logo: Optional[Union["ImageObject", str]] = None
"""A logo associated with the brand."""
reviews: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Reviews of the brand."""
def __init__(
name: str,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
logo: Optional[Union["ImageObject", str]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
reviews: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if name is not None: = name
if logo is not None:
self.logo = logo
if reviews is not None: = reviews
class ContactPoint(Thing):
"""A contact point, for example, a R&D department."""
availableLanguages: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Languages (human not programming) in which it is possible to communicate
with the organization/department etc.
emails: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Email address for correspondence."""
telephoneNumbers: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Telephone numbers for the contact point."""
def __init__(
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
availableLanguages: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
emails: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
telephoneNumbers: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if availableLanguages is not None:
self.availableLanguages = availableLanguages
if emails is not None:
self.emails = emails
if telephoneNumbers is not None:
self.telephoneNumbers = telephoneNumbers
class CreativeWork(Thing):
A creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs,
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None
"""The subject matter of the content."""
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None
"""The authors of this creative work."""
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None
"""Comments about this creative work."""
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None
"""The structured content of this creative work c.f. property `text`."""
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None
"""Date/time of acceptance."""
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None
"""Date/time of creation."""
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None
"""Date/time of most recent modification."""
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None
"""Date of first publication."""
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None
"""Date/time that work was received."""
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None
"""People who edited the `CreativeWork`."""
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None
"""Grants that funded the `CreativeWork`; reverse of `fundedItems`."""
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None
"""People or organizations that funded the `CreativeWork`."""
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Genre of the creative work, broadcast channel or group."""
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None
"""An item or other CreativeWork that this CreativeWork is a part of.
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Keywords or tags used to describe this content.
Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas.
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None
"""License documents that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL.
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None
"""The people or organizations who maintain this CreativeWork."""
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None
"""Elements of the collection which can be a variety of different elements,
such as Articles, Datatables, Tables and more.
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None
"""A publisher of the CreativeWork.
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None
"""References to other creative works, such as another publication,
web page, scholarly article, etc.
text: Optional[str] = None
"""The textual content of this creative work."""
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None
"""The title of the creative work."""
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
"""The version of the creative work."""
def __init__(
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if about is not None:
self.about = about
if authors is not None:
self.authors = authors
if comments is not None:
self.comments = comments
if content is not None:
self.content = content
if dateAccepted is not None:
self.dateAccepted = dateAccepted
if dateCreated is not None:
self.dateCreated = dateCreated
if dateModified is not None:
self.dateModified = dateModified
if datePublished is not None:
self.datePublished = datePublished
if dateReceived is not None:
self.dateReceived = dateReceived
if editors is not None:
self.editors = editors
if fundedBy is not None:
self.fundedBy = fundedBy
if funders is not None:
self.funders = funders
if genre is not None:
self.genre = genre
if isPartOf is not None:
self.isPartOf = isPartOf
if keywords is not None:
self.keywords = keywords
if licenses is not None:
self.licenses = licenses
if maintainers is not None:
self.maintainers = maintainers
if parts is not None: = parts
if publisher is not None:
self.publisher = publisher
if references is not None:
self.references = references
if text is not None:
self.text = text
if title is not None:
self.title = title
if version is not None:
self.version = version
class Article(CreativeWork):
"""An article, including news and scholarly articles."""
content: Optional[Array["BlockContent"]] = None # type: ignore
"""The structured content of this article."""
pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None
"""The page on which the article ends; for example "138" or "xvi"."""
pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None
"""The page on which the article starts; for example "135" or "xiii"."""
pagination: Optional[str] = None
"""Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd;
for example, "1-6, 9, 55".
def __init__(
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["BlockContent"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
pagination: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if content is not None:
self.content = content
if pageEnd is not None:
self.pageEnd = pageEnd
if pageStart is not None:
self.pageStart = pageStart
if pagination is not None:
self.pagination = pagination
class Claim(CreativeWork):
"""A claim represents specific reviewable facts or statements."""
content: Array["BlockContent"] # type: ignore
"""Content of the claim, usually a single paragraph."""
claimType: Optional["EClaimType"] = None
"""Kind of the claim."""
label: Optional[str] = None
"""A short label for the claim."""
def __init__(
content: Array["BlockContent"],
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
claimType: Optional["EClaimType"] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
label: Optional[str] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if content is not None:
self.content = content
if claimType is not None:
self.claimType = claimType
if label is not None:
self.label = label
class Collection(CreativeWork):
"""A created collection of CreativeWorks or other artefacts."""
parts: Array["CreativeWorkTypes"] # type: ignore
"""Elements of the collection which can be a variety of different elements,
such as Articles, Datatables, Tables and more.
def __init__(
parts: Array["CreativeWorkTypes"],
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if parts is not None: = parts
class Comment(CreativeWork):
"""A comment on an item, e.g on a Article, or SoftwareSourceCode."""
commentAspect: Optional[str] = None
"""The part or facet of the item that is being commented on."""
parentItem: Optional["Comment"] = None
"""The parent comment of this comment."""
def __init__(
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
commentAspect: Optional[str] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parentItem: Optional["Comment"] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if commentAspect is not None:
self.commentAspect = commentAspect
if parentItem is not None:
self.parentItem = parentItem
class Datatable(CreativeWork):
"""A table of data."""
columns: Array["DatatableColumn"]
"""The columns of data."""
def __init__(
columns: Array["DatatableColumn"],
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if columns is not None:
self.columns = columns
class MediaObject(CreativeWork):
A media object, such as an image, video, or audio object embedded in a web
page or a downloadable dataset.
contentUrl: str
"""URL for the actual bytes of the media object, for example the image file or video file.
bitrate: Optional[float] = None
"""Bitrate in megabits per second (Mbit/s, Mb/s, Mbps).
contentSize: Optional[float] = None
"""File size in megabits (Mbit, Mb).
embedUrl: Optional[str] = None
"""URL that can be used to embed the media on a web page via a specific media player.
format: Optional[str] = None
"""Media type (MIME type) as per
def __init__(
contentUrl: str,
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
bitrate: Optional[float] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
contentSize: Optional[float] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
embedUrl: Optional[str] = None,
format: Optional[str] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if contentUrl is not None:
self.contentUrl = contentUrl
if bitrate is not None:
self.bitrate = bitrate
if contentSize is not None:
self.contentSize = contentSize
if embedUrl is not None:
self.embedUrl = embedUrl
if format is not None:
self.format = format
class AudioObject(MediaObject):
"""An audio file"""
caption: Optional[str] = None
"""The caption for this audio recording."""
transcript: Optional[str] = None
"""The transcript of this audio recording."""
def __init__(
contentUrl: str,
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
bitrate: Optional[float] = None,
caption: Optional[str] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
contentSize: Optional[float] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
embedUrl: Optional[str] = None,
format: Optional[str] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
transcript: Optional[str] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if caption is not None:
self.caption = caption
if transcript is not None:
self.transcript = transcript
class DatatableColumn(Thing):
"""A column of data within a Datatable."""
name: str # type: ignore
"""The name of the item."""
values: Array[Any]
"""The data values of the column."""
validator: Optional["ArrayValidator"] = None
"""The validator to use to validate data in the column."""
def __init__(
name: str,
values: Array[Any],
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
validator: Optional["ArrayValidator"] = None
) -> None:
if name is not None: = name
if values is not None:
self.values = values
if validator is not None:
self.validator = validator
class DefinedTerm(Thing):
"""A word, name, acronym, phrase, etc. with a formal definition."""
name: str # type: ignore
"""The name of the item."""
termCode: Optional[str] = None
"""A code that identifies this DefinedTerm within a DefinedTermSet"""
def __init__(
name: str,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
termCode: Optional[str] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if name is not None: = name
if termCode is not None:
self.termCode = termCode
class Validator(Entity):
"""A base for all validator types."""
def __init__(
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
class ArrayValidator(Validator):
"""A validator specifying constraints on an array node."""
contains: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None
"""An array node is valid if at least one of its items is valid against the `contains` schema."""
itemsValidator: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None
"""Another validator node specifying the constraints on all items in the array."""
maxItems: Optional[float] = None
"""An array node is valid if its size is less than, or equal to, this value."""
minItems: Optional[float] = None
"""An array node is valid if its size is greater than, or equal to, this value."""
uniqueItems: Optional[bool] = None
"""A flag to indicate that each value in the array should be unique."""
def __init__(
contains: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
itemsValidator: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None,
maxItems: Optional[float] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
minItems: Optional[float] = None,
uniqueItems: Optional[bool] = None
) -> None:
if contains is not None:
self.contains = contains
if itemsValidator is not None:
self.itemsValidator = itemsValidator
if maxItems is not None:
self.maxItems = maxItems
if minItems is not None:
self.minItems = minItems
if uniqueItems is not None:
self.uniqueItems = uniqueItems
class BooleanValidator(Validator):
"""A schema specifying that a node must be a boolean value."""
def __init__(
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
class ConstantValidator(Validator):
"""A validator specifying a constant value that a node must have."""
value: Optional["Node"] = None
"""The value that the node must have."""
def __init__(
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
value: Optional["Node"] = None
) -> None:
if value is not None:
self.value = value
class EnumValidator(Validator):
"""A schema specifying that a node must be one of several values."""
values: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None
"""A node is valid if it is equal to any of these values."""
def __init__(
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
values: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None
) -> None:
if values is not None:
self.values = values
class Enumeration(Thing):
Lists or enumerations, for example, a list of cuisines or music genres,
def __init__(
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
class Figure(CreativeWork):
Encapsulates one or more images, videos, tables, etc, and provides captions
and labels for them.
caption: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], str]] = None
"""A caption for the figure."""
label: Optional[str] = None
"""A short label for the figure."""
def __init__(
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
caption: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], str]] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
label: Optional[str] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if caption is not None:
self.caption = caption
if label is not None:
self.label = label
class Function(Entity):
A function with a name, which might take Parameters and return a value of a
certain type.
name: Optional[str] = None
"""The name of the function."""
parameters: Optional[Array["Parameter"]] = None
"""The parameters of the function."""
returns: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None
"""The return type of the function."""
def __init__(
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parameters: Optional[Array["Parameter"]] = None,
returns: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None
) -> None:
if name is not None: = name
if parameters is not None:
self.parameters = parameters
if returns is not None:
self.returns = returns
class Grant(Thing):
"""A grant, typically financial or otherwise quantifiable, of resources."""
fundedItems: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None
"""Indicates an item funded or sponsored through a Grant."""
sponsors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None
"""A person or organization that supports a thing through a pledge, promise, or financial contribution."""
def __init__(
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
fundedItems: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
sponsors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if fundedItems is not None:
self.fundedItems = fundedItems
if sponsors is not None:
self.sponsors = sponsors
class Heading(Entity):
content: Array["InlineContent"]
"""Content of the heading."""
depth: Optional[float] = None
"""The depth of the heading."""
def __init__(
content: Array["InlineContent"],
depth: Optional[float] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
if content is not None:
self.content = content
if depth is not None:
self.depth = depth
class ImageObject(MediaObject):
"""An image file."""
caption: Optional[str] = None
"""The caption for this image."""
thumbnail: Optional["ImageObject"] = None
"""Thumbnail image of this image."""
def __init__(
contentUrl: str,
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
bitrate: Optional[float] = None,
caption: Optional[str] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
contentSize: Optional[float] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
embedUrl: Optional[str] = None,
format: Optional[str] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
thumbnail: Optional["ImageObject"] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if caption is not None:
self.caption = caption
if thumbnail is not None:
self.thumbnail = thumbnail
class Include(Entity):
A directive to include content from an external source (e.g. file, URL) or
source: str
"""The source of the content, a URL or file path, or the content itself."""
content: Optional[Array["BlockContent"]] = None
"""The content to be included."""
format: Optional[str] = None
"""Media type, typically expressed using a MIME format, of the source content."""
def __init__(
source: str,
content: Optional[Array["BlockContent"]] = None,
format: Optional[str] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
if source is not None:
self.source = source
if content is not None:
self.content = content
if format is not None:
self.format = format
class IntegerValidator(Validator):
"""A validator specifying the constraints on an integer node."""
def __init__(
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
class Link(Entity):
A hyperlink to other pages, sections within the same document, resources,
or any URL.
content: Array["InlineContent"]
"""The textual content of the link."""
target: str
"""The target of the link."""
exportFrom: Optional[str] = None
"""A compilation directive giving the name of the variable to export
to the link target.
importTo: Optional[str] = None
"""A compilation directive giving the name of the variable to import
the link target as.
relation: Optional[str] = None
"""The relation between the target and the current thing."""
title: Optional[str] = None
"""A title for the link."""
def __init__(
content: Array["InlineContent"],
target: str,
exportFrom: Optional[str] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
importTo: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
relation: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if content is not None:
self.content = content
if target is not None: = target
if exportFrom is not None:
self.exportFrom = exportFrom
if importTo is not None:
self.importTo = importTo
if relation is not None:
self.relation = relation
if title is not None:
self.title = title
class List(Entity):
"""A list of items."""
items: Array["ListItem"]
"""The items in the list"""
order: Optional["EItemListOrder"] = None
"""Type of ordering."""
def __init__(
items: Array["ListItem"],
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
order: Optional["EItemListOrder"] = None
) -> None:
if items is not None:
self.items = items
if order is not None:
self.order = order
class ListItem(Thing):
"""A single item in a list."""
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None
"""The content of the list item."""
isChecked: Optional[bool] = None
"""A flag to indicate if this list item is checked."""
item: Optional["Node"] = None
"""The item represented by this list item."""
position: Optional[float] = None
"""The position of the item in a series or sequence of items."""
def __init__(
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isChecked: Optional[bool] = None,
item: Optional["Node"] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
position: Optional[float] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if content is not None:
self.content = content
if isChecked is not None:
self.isChecked = isChecked
if item is not None:
self.item = item
if position is not None:
self.position = position
class Math(Entity):
"""A mathematical variable or equation."""
text: str
"""The text of the equation in the language."""
errors: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Errors that occurred when parsing the math equation."""
mathLanguage: Optional[str] = None
"""The language used for the equation e.g tex, mathml, asciimath."""
def __init__(
text: str,
errors: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
mathLanguage: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
if text is not None:
self.text = text
if errors is not None:
self.errors = errors
if mathLanguage is not None:
self.mathLanguage = mathLanguage
class MathBlock(Math):
"""A block of math, e.g an equation, to be treated as block content."""
label: Optional[str] = None
"""A short label for the math block."""
def __init__(
text: str,
errors: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
label: Optional[str] = None,
mathLanguage: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
if label is not None:
self.label = label
class MathFragment(Math):
A fragment of math, e.g a variable name, to be treated as inline content.
def __init__(
text: str,
errors: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
mathLanguage: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
class MonetaryGrant(Grant):
"""A monetary grant."""
amounts: Optional[float] = None
"""The amount of money."""
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None
"""A person or organization that supports (sponsors) something through some kind of financial contribution.
def __init__(
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
amounts: Optional[float] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
fundedItems: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
sponsors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if amounts is not None:
self.amounts = amounts
if funders is not None:
self.funders = funders
class NontextualAnnotation(Mark):
"""Inline text that has a non-textual annotation."""
def __init__(
content: Array["InlineContent"],
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
class Note(Entity):
Additional content which is not part of the main content of a document.
content: Array["BlockContent"]
"""Content of the note, usually a paragraph."""
noteType: Optional["ENoteType"] = None
"""Determines where the note content is displayed within the document."""
def __init__(
content: Array["BlockContent"],
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
noteType: Optional["ENoteType"] = None
) -> None:
if content is not None:
self.content = content
if noteType is not None:
self.noteType = noteType
class NumberValidator(Validator):
"""A validator specifying the constraints on a numeric node."""
exclusiveMaximum: Optional[float] = None
"""The exclusive upper limit for a numeric node."""
exclusiveMinimum: Optional[float] = None
"""The exclusive lower limit for a numeric node."""
maximum: Optional[float] = None
"""The inclusive upper limit for a numeric node."""
minimum: Optional[float] = None
"""The inclusive lower limit for a numeric node."""
multipleOf: Optional[float] = None
"""A number that a numeric node must be a multiple of."""
def __init__(
exclusiveMaximum: Optional[float] = None,
exclusiveMinimum: Optional[float] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
maximum: Optional[float] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
minimum: Optional[float] = None,
multipleOf: Optional[float] = None
) -> None:
if exclusiveMaximum is not None:
self.exclusiveMaximum = exclusiveMaximum
if exclusiveMinimum is not None:
self.exclusiveMinimum = exclusiveMinimum
if maximum is not None:
self.maximum = maximum
if minimum is not None:
self.minimum = minimum
if multipleOf is not None:
self.multipleOf = multipleOf
class Organization(Thing):
"""An organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc."""
address: Optional[Union["PostalAddress", str]] = None
"""Postal address for the organization.
brands: Optional[Array["Brand"]] = None
"""Brands that the organization is connected with.
contactPoints: Optional[Array["ContactPoint"]] = None
"""Correspondence/Contact points for the organization.
departments: Optional[Array["Organization"]] = None
"""Departments within the organization. For example, Department of Computer Science, Research & Development etc.
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Organization", "Person"]]] = None
"""Organization(s) or person(s) funding the organization.
legalName: Optional[str] = None
"""Legal name for the Organization. Should only include letters and spaces.
logo: Optional[Union["ImageObject", str]] = None
"""The logo of the organization."""
members: Optional[Array[Union["Organization", "Person"]]] = None
"""Person(s) or organization(s) who are members of this organization.
parentOrganization: Optional["Organization"] = None
"""Entity that the Organization is a part of. For example, parentOrganization to a department is a university.
def __init__(
address: Optional[Union["PostalAddress", str]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
brands: Optional[Array["Brand"]] = None,
contactPoints: Optional[Array["ContactPoint"]] = None,
departments: Optional[Array["Organization"]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Organization", "Person"]]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
legalName: Optional[str] = None,
logo: Optional[Union["ImageObject", str]] = None,
members: Optional[Array[Union["Organization", "Person"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parentOrganization: Optional["Organization"] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if address is not None:
self.address = address
if brands is not None:
self.brands = brands
if contactPoints is not None:
self.contactPoints = contactPoints
if departments is not None:
self.departments = departments
if funders is not None:
self.funders = funders
if legalName is not None:
self.legalName = legalName
if logo is not None:
self.logo = logo
if members is not None:
self.members = members
if parentOrganization is not None:
self.parentOrganization = parentOrganization
class Paragraph(Entity):
content: Array["InlineContent"]
"""The contents of the paragraph."""
def __init__(
content: Array["InlineContent"],
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
if content is not None:
self.content = content
class Variable(Entity):
"""A variable representing a name / value pair."""
name: str
"""The name of the variable."""
isReadonly: Optional[bool] = None
"""Whether or not a property is mutable. Default is false."""
validator: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None
"""The validator that the value is validated against."""
value: Optional["Node"] = None
"""The value of the variable."""
def __init__(
name: str,
id: Optional[str] = None,
isReadonly: Optional[bool] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
validator: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None,
value: Optional["Node"] = None
) -> None:
if name is not None: = name
if isReadonly is not None:
self.isReadonly = isReadonly
if validator is not None:
self.validator = validator
if value is not None:
self.value = value
class Parameter(Variable):
"""A parameter that can be set and used in evaluated code."""
default: Optional["Node"] = None
"""The default value of the parameter."""
isExtensible: Optional[bool] = None
"""Indicates that this parameter is variadic and can accept multiple named arguments."""
isRequired: Optional[bool] = None
"""Is this parameter required, if not it should have a default or default is assumed to be null."""
isVariadic: Optional[bool] = None
"""Indicates that this parameter is variadic and can accept multiple arguments."""
def __init__(
name: str,
default: Optional["Node"] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
isExtensible: Optional[bool] = None,
isReadonly: Optional[bool] = None,
isRequired: Optional[bool] = None,
isVariadic: Optional[bool] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
validator: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None,
value: Optional["Node"] = None
) -> None:
if default is not None:
self.default = default
if isExtensible is not None:
self.isExtensible = isExtensible
if isRequired is not None:
self.isRequired = isRequired
if isVariadic is not None:
self.isVariadic = isVariadic
class Periodical(CreativeWork):
"""A periodical publication."""
dateEnd: Optional["Date"] = None
"""The date this Periodical ceased publication."""
dateStart: Optional["Date"] = None
"""The date this Periodical was first published."""
issns: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""The International Standard Serial Number(s) (ISSN) that identifies this serial publication."""
def __init__(
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateEnd: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateStart: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
issns: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if dateEnd is not None:
self.dateEnd = dateEnd
if dateStart is not None:
self.dateStart = dateStart
if issns is not None:
self.issns = issns
class Person(Thing):
"""A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional)."""
address: Optional[Union["PostalAddress", str]] = None
"""Postal address for the person."""
affiliations: Optional[Array["Organization"]] = None
"""Organizations that the person is affiliated with."""
emails: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Email addresses for the person."""
familyNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Family name. In the U.S., the last name of a person."""
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Organization", "Person"]]] = None
"""A person or organization that supports (sponsors) something through
some kind of financial contribution.
givenNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Given name. In the U.S., the first name of a person."""
honorificPrefix: Optional[str] = None
"""An honorific prefix preceding a person's name such as Dr/Mrs/Mr."""
honorificSuffix: Optional[str] = None
"""An honorific suffix after a person's name such as MD/PhD/MSCSW."""
jobTitle: Optional[str] = None
"""The job title of the person (for example, Financial Manager)."""
memberOf: Optional[Array["Organization"]] = None
"""An organization (or program membership) to which this person belongs."""
telephoneNumbers: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Telephone numbers for the person."""
def __init__(
address: Optional[Union["PostalAddress", str]] = None,
affiliations: Optional[Array["Organization"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
emails: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
familyNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Organization", "Person"]]] = None,
givenNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
honorificPrefix: Optional[str] = None,
honorificSuffix: Optional[str] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
jobTitle: Optional[str] = None,
memberOf: Optional[Array["Organization"]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
telephoneNumbers: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if address is not None:
self.address = address
if affiliations is not None:
self.affiliations = affiliations
if emails is not None:
self.emails = emails
if familyNames is not None:
self.familyNames = familyNames
if funders is not None:
self.funders = funders
if givenNames is not None:
self.givenNames = givenNames
if honorificPrefix is not None:
self.honorificPrefix = honorificPrefix
if honorificSuffix is not None:
self.honorificSuffix = honorificSuffix
if jobTitle is not None:
self.jobTitle = jobTitle
if memberOf is not None:
self.memberOf = memberOf
if telephoneNumbers is not None:
self.telephoneNumbers = telephoneNumbers
class PostalAddress(ContactPoint):
"""A physical mailing address."""
addressCountry: Optional[str] = None
"""The country."""
addressLocality: Optional[str] = None
"""The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region."""
addressRegion: Optional[str] = None
"""The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country."""
postOfficeBoxNumber: Optional[str] = None
"""The post office box number."""
postalCode: Optional[str] = None
"""The postal code."""
streetAddress: Optional[str] = None
"""The street address."""
def __init__(
addressCountry: Optional[str] = None,
addressLocality: Optional[str] = None,
addressRegion: Optional[str] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
availableLanguages: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
emails: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
postOfficeBoxNumber: Optional[str] = None,
postalCode: Optional[str] = None,
streetAddress: Optional[str] = None,
telephoneNumbers: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if addressCountry is not None:
self.addressCountry = addressCountry
if addressLocality is not None:
self.addressLocality = addressLocality
if addressRegion is not None:
self.addressRegion = addressRegion
if postOfficeBoxNumber is not None:
self.postOfficeBoxNumber = postOfficeBoxNumber
if postalCode is not None:
self.postalCode = postalCode
if streetAddress is not None:
self.streetAddress = streetAddress
class Product(Thing):
Any offered product or service. For example, a pair of shoes; a haircut; or
an episode of a TV show streamed online.
brands: Optional[Array["Brand"]] = None
"""Brands that the product is labelled with."""
logo: Optional[Union["ImageObject", str]] = None
"""The logo of the product."""
productID: Optional[str] = None
"""Product identification code."""
def __init__(
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
brands: Optional[Array["Brand"]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
logo: Optional[Union["ImageObject", str]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
productID: Optional[str] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if brands is not None:
self.brands = brands
if logo is not None:
self.logo = logo
if productID is not None:
self.productID = productID
class PropertyValue(Thing):
"""A property-value pair."""
value: Union[bool, int, float, str]
"""The value of the property."""
propertyID: Optional[str] = None
"""A commonly used identifier for the characteristic represented by the property."""
def __init__(
value: Union[bool, int, float, str],
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
propertyID: Optional[str] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if value is not None:
self.value = value
if propertyID is not None:
self.propertyID = propertyID
class PublicationIssue(CreativeWork):
A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or
publication volume, often numbered.
issueNumber: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None
"""Identifies the issue of publication; for example, "iii" or "2"."""
pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None
"""The page on which the issue ends; for example "138" or "xvi"."""
pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None
"""The page on which the issue starts; for example "135" or "xiii"."""
pagination: Optional[str] = None
"""Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd;
for example, "1-6, 9, 55".
def __init__(
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
issueNumber: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
pagination: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if issueNumber is not None:
self.issueNumber = issueNumber
if pageEnd is not None:
self.pageEnd = pageEnd
if pageStart is not None:
self.pageStart = pageStart
if pagination is not None:
self.pagination = pagination
class PublicationVolume(CreativeWork):
A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or
multi-volume work.
pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None
"""The page on which the volume ends; for example "138" or "xvi"."""
pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None
"""The page on which the volume starts; for example "135" or "xiii"."""
pagination: Optional[str] = None
"""Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd;
for example, "1-6, 9, 55".
volumeNumber: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None
"""Identifies the volume of publication or multi-part work; for example, "iii" or "2".
def __init__(
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
pagination: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None,
volumeNumber: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None
) -> None:
if pageEnd is not None:
self.pageEnd = pageEnd
if pageStart is not None:
self.pageStart = pageStart
if pagination is not None:
self.pagination = pagination
if volumeNumber is not None:
self.volumeNumber = volumeNumber
class Quote(Mark):
"""Inline, quoted content."""
cite: Optional[Union["Cite", str]] = None
"""The source of the quote."""
def __init__(
content: Array["InlineContent"],
cite: Optional[Union["Cite", str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
if cite is not None:
self.cite = cite
class QuoteBlock(Entity):
"""A section quoted from somewhere else."""
content: Array["BlockContent"]
"""The content of the quote."""
cite: Optional[Union["Cite", str]] = None
"""The source of the quote."""
def __init__(
content: Array["BlockContent"],
cite: Optional[Union["Cite", str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
if content is not None:
self.content = content
if cite is not None:
self.cite = cite
class Review(CreativeWork):
"""A review of an item, e.g of an Article, or SoftwareSourceCode."""
itemReviewed: Optional["Thing"] = None
"""The item that is being reviewed."""
reviewAspect: Optional[str] = None
"""The part or facet of the item that is being reviewed."""
def __init__(
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
itemReviewed: Optional["Thing"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
reviewAspect: Optional[str] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if itemReviewed is not None:
self.itemReviewed = itemReviewed
if reviewAspect is not None:
self.reviewAspect = reviewAspect
class SoftwareApplication(CreativeWork):
"""A software application."""
softwareRequirements: Optional[Array["SoftwareApplication"]] = None
"""Requirements for application, including shared libraries that
are not included in the application distribution.
softwareVersion: Optional[str] = None
"""Version of the software."""
def __init__(
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
softwareRequirements: Optional[Array["SoftwareApplication"]] = None,
softwareVersion: Optional[str] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if softwareRequirements is not None:
self.softwareRequirements = softwareRequirements
if softwareVersion is not None:
self.softwareVersion = softwareVersion
class SoftwareEnvironment(Thing):
"""A computational environment."""
name: str # type: ignore
"""The name of the item."""
adds: Optional[Array["SoftwareSourceCode"]] = None
"""The packages that this environment adds to the base environments listed under `extends` (if any).,"""
extends: Optional[Array["SoftwareEnvironment"]] = None
"""Other environments that this environment extends by adding or removing packages.,"""
removes: Optional[Array["SoftwareSourceCode"]] = None
"""The packages that this environment removes from the base environments listed under `extends` (if any).,"""
def __init__(
name: str,
adds: Optional[Array["SoftwareSourceCode"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
extends: Optional[Array["SoftwareEnvironment"]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
removes: Optional[Array["SoftwareSourceCode"]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if name is not None: = name
if adds is not None:
self.adds = adds
if extends is not None:
self.extends = extends
if removes is not None:
self.removes = removes
class SoftwareSession(Thing):
Definition of a compute session, including its software and compute
resource requirements and status.
clientsLimit: Optional[float] = None
"""The maximum number of concurrent clients the session is limited to."""
clientsRequest: Optional[float] = None
"""The maximum number of concurrent clients requested for the session."""
cpuLimit: Optional[float] = None
"""The amount of CPU the session is limited to."""
cpuRequest: Optional[float] = None
"""The amount of CPU requested for the session."""
dateEnd: Optional["Date"] = None
"""The date-time that the session ended."""
dateStart: Optional["Date"] = None
"""The date-time that the session began."""
durationLimit: Optional[float] = None
"""The maximum duration (seconds) the session is limited to."""
durationRequest: Optional[float] = None
"""The maximum duration (seconds) requested for the session."""
environment: Optional["SoftwareEnvironment"] = None
"""The software environment to execute this session in."""
memoryLimit: Optional[float] = None
"""The amount of memory that the session is limited to."""
memoryRequest: Optional[float] = None
"""The amount of memory requested for the session."""
networkTransferLimit: Optional[float] = None
"""The amount of network data transfer (GiB) that the session is limited to."""
networkTransferRequest: Optional[float] = None
"""The amount of network data transfer (GiB) requested for the session."""
status: Optional["ESessionStatus"] = None
"""The status of the session (starting, stopped, etc)."""
timeoutLimit: Optional[float] = None
"""The inactivity timeout (seconds) the session is limited to."""
timeoutRequest: Optional[float] = None
"""The inactivity timeout (seconds) requested for the session."""
volumeMounts: Optional[Array["VolumeMount"]] = None
"""Volumes to mount in the session."""
def __init__(
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
clientsLimit: Optional[float] = None,
clientsRequest: Optional[float] = None,
cpuLimit: Optional[float] = None,
cpuRequest: Optional[float] = None,
dateEnd: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateStart: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
durationLimit: Optional[float] = None,
durationRequest: Optional[float] = None,
environment: Optional["SoftwareEnvironment"] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
memoryLimit: Optional[float] = None,
memoryRequest: Optional[float] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
networkTransferLimit: Optional[float] = None,
networkTransferRequest: Optional[float] = None,
status: Optional["ESessionStatus"] = None,
timeoutLimit: Optional[float] = None,
timeoutRequest: Optional[float] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
volumeMounts: Optional[Array["VolumeMount"]] = None
) -> None:
if clientsLimit is not None:
self.clientsLimit = clientsLimit
if clientsRequest is not None:
self.clientsRequest = clientsRequest
if cpuLimit is not None:
self.cpuLimit = cpuLimit
if cpuRequest is not None:
self.cpuRequest = cpuRequest
if dateEnd is not None:
self.dateEnd = dateEnd
if dateStart is not None:
self.dateStart = dateStart
if durationLimit is not None:
self.durationLimit = durationLimit
if durationRequest is not None:
self.durationRequest = durationRequest
if environment is not None:
self.environment = environment
if memoryLimit is not None:
self.memoryLimit = memoryLimit
if memoryRequest is not None:
self.memoryRequest = memoryRequest
if networkTransferLimit is not None:
self.networkTransferLimit = networkTransferLimit
if networkTransferRequest is not None:
self.networkTransferRequest = networkTransferRequest
if status is not None:
self.status = status
if timeoutLimit is not None:
self.timeoutLimit = timeoutLimit
if timeoutRequest is not None:
self.timeoutRequest = timeoutRequest
if volumeMounts is not None:
self.volumeMounts = volumeMounts
class SoftwareSourceCode(CreativeWork):
Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready) solutions,
code snippet samples, scripts, templates.
codeRepository: Optional[str] = None
"""Link to the repository where the un-compiled, human readable code and related
code is located.
codeSampleType: Optional[str] = None
"""What type of code sample: full (compile ready) solution, code snippet, inline code, scripts, template.
programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None
"""The computer programming language.
runtimePlatform: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""Runtime platform or script interpreter dependencies (Example - Java v1,
Python2.3, .Net Framework 3.0).
softwareRequirements: Optional[Array[Union["SoftwareSourceCode", "SoftwareApplication", str]]] = None
"""Dependency requirements for the software."""
targetProducts: Optional[Array["SoftwareApplication"]] = None
"""Target operating system or product to which the code applies.
def __init__(
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
codeRepository: Optional[str] = None,
codeSampleType: Optional[str] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
runtimePlatform: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
softwareRequirements: Optional[Array[Union["SoftwareSourceCode", "SoftwareApplication", str]]] = None,
targetProducts: Optional[Array["SoftwareApplication"]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if codeRepository is not None:
self.codeRepository = codeRepository
if codeSampleType is not None:
self.codeSampleType = codeSampleType
if programmingLanguage is not None:
self.programmingLanguage = programmingLanguage
if runtimePlatform is not None:
self.runtimePlatform = runtimePlatform
if softwareRequirements is not None:
self.softwareRequirements = softwareRequirements
if targetProducts is not None:
self.targetProducts = targetProducts
class StringValidator(Validator):
"""A schema specifying constraints on a string node."""
maxLength: Optional[float] = None
"""The maximum length for a string node."""
minLength: Optional[float] = None
"""The minimum length for a string node."""
pattern: Optional[str] = None
"""A regular expression that a string node must match."""
def __init__(
id: Optional[str] = None,
maxLength: Optional[float] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
minLength: Optional[float] = None,
pattern: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if maxLength is not None:
self.maxLength = maxLength
if minLength is not None:
self.minLength = minLength
if pattern is not None:
self.pattern = pattern
class Strong(Mark):
"""Strongly emphasised content."""
def __init__(
content: Array["InlineContent"],
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
class Subscript(Mark):
"""Subscripted content."""
def __init__(
content: Array["InlineContent"],
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
class Superscript(Mark):
"""Superscripted content."""
def __init__(
content: Array["InlineContent"],
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
class Table(CreativeWork):
"""A table."""
rows: Array["TableRow"]
"""Rows of cells in the table.
caption: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], str]] = None
"""A caption for the table."""
label: Optional[str] = None
"""A short label for the table."""
def __init__(
rows: Array["TableRow"],
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
caption: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], str]] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
label: Optional[str] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if rows is not None:
self.rows = rows
if caption is not None:
self.caption = caption
if label is not None:
self.label = label
class TableCell(Entity):
"""A cell within a `Table`."""
content: Array["Node"]
"""Contents of the table cell."""
cellType: Optional["ECellType"] = None
"""Indicates whether the cell is a header or data."""
colspan: Optional[int] = None
"""How many columns the cell extends.
name: Optional[str] = None
"""The name of the cell."""
rowspan: Optional[int] = None
"""How many columns the cell extends."""
def __init__(
content: Array["Node"],
cellType: Optional["ECellType"] = None,
colspan: Optional[int] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
rowspan: Optional[int] = None
) -> None:
if content is not None:
self.content = content
if cellType is not None:
self.cellType = cellType
if colspan is not None:
self.colspan = colspan
if name is not None: = name
if rowspan is not None:
self.rowspan = rowspan
class TableRow(Entity):
"""A row within a Table."""
cells: Array["TableCell"]
"""An array of cells in the row."""
rowType: Optional["ERowType"] = None
"""If present, indicates that all cells in this row should be treated as header cells.
def __init__(
cells: Array["TableCell"],
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
rowType: Optional["ERowType"] = None
) -> None:
if cells is not None:
self.cells = cells
if rowType is not None:
self.rowType = rowType
class ThematicBreak(Entity):
A thematic break, such as a scene change in a story, a transition to
another topic, or a new document.
def __init__(
id: Optional[str] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
class TupleValidator(Validator):
A validator specifying constraints on an array of heterogeneous items.
items: Optional[Array["ValidatorTypes"]] = None
"""An array of validators specifying the constraints on each successive item in the array."""
def __init__(
id: Optional[str] = None,
items: Optional[Array["ValidatorTypes"]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
if items is not None:
self.items = items
class VideoObject(MediaObject):
"""A video file."""
caption: Optional[str] = None
"""The caption for this video recording."""
thumbnail: Optional["ImageObject"] = None
"""Thumbnail image of this video recording."""
transcript: Optional[str] = None
"""The transcript of this video recording."""
def __init__(
contentUrl: str,
about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
bitrate: Optional[float] = None,
caption: Optional[str] = None,
comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None,
content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None,
contentSize: Optional[float] = None,
dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None,
datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None,
dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None,
embedUrl: Optional[str] = None,
format: Optional[str] = None,
fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None,
funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None,
keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None,
publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None,
references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
thumbnail: Optional["ImageObject"] = None,
title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
transcript: Optional[str] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None
) -> None:
if caption is not None:
self.caption = caption
if thumbnail is not None:
self.thumbnail = thumbnail
if transcript is not None:
self.transcript = transcript
class VolumeMount(Thing):
"""Describes a volume mount from a host to container."""
mountDestination: str
"""The mount location inside the container."""
mountOptions: Optional[Array[str]] = None
"""A list of options to use when applying the mount."""
mountSource: Optional[str] = None
"""The mount source directory on the host."""
mountType: Optional[str] = None
"""The type of mount."""
def __init__(
mountDestination: str,
alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None,
id: Optional[str] = None,
identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None,
images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None,
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
mountOptions: Optional[Array[str]] = None,
mountSource: Optional[str] = None,
mountType: Optional[str] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if mountDestination is not None:
self.mountDestination = mountDestination
if mountOptions is not None:
self.mountOptions = mountOptions
if mountSource is not None:
self.mountSource = mountSource
if mountType is not None:
self.mountType = mountType
class CitationIntentEnumeration(Enum):
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
# The citing entity agrees with statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity
AgreesWith = "AgreesWith"
# The citing entity cites the cited entity as one that provides an authoritative description or definition of the subject under discussion
CitesAsAuthority = "CitesAsAuthority"
# The citing entity cites the cited entity as source of data
CitesAsDataSource = "CitesAsDataSource"
# The citing entity cites the cited entity as source of factual evidence for statements it contains
CitesAsEvidence = "CitesAsEvidence"
# The citing entity cites the cited entity as being the container of metadata describing the citing entity
CitesAsMetadataDocument = "CitesAsMetadataDocument"
# The citing entity cites the cited entity as providing or containing a possible solution to the issues being discussed
CitesAsPotentialSolution = "CitesAsPotentialSolution"
# The citing entity cites the cited entity as an item of recommended reading
CitesAsRecommendedReading = "CitesAsRecommendedReading"
# The citing entity cites the cited entity as one that is related
CitesAsRelated = "CitesAsRelated"
# The citing entity cites the cited entity as being the entity from which the citing entity is derived, or about which the citing entity contains metadata
CitesAsSourceDocument = "CitesAsSourceDocument"
# The citing entity cites the cited entity as a source of information on the subject under discussion
CitesForInformation = "CitesForInformation"
# The citing entity is used to create or compile the cited entity
Compiles = "Compiles"
# The citing entity confirms facts, ideas or statements presented in the cited entity
Confirms = "Confirms"
# The citing entity contains a statement of fact or a logical assertion (or a collection of such facts and/or assertions) originally present in the cited entity
ContainsAssertionFrom = "ContainsAssertionFrom"
# The citing entity corrects statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity
Corrects = "Corrects"
# The citing entity acknowledges contributions made by the cited entity
Credits = "Credits"
# The citing entity critiques statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity
Critiques = "Critiques"
# The citing entity express derision for the cited entity, or for ideas or conclusions contained within it
Derides = "Derides"
# The citing entity describes the cited entity
Describes = "Describes"
# The citing entity disagrees with statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity
DisagreesWith = "DisagreesWith"
# The citing entity discusses statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity
Discusses = "Discusses"
# The citing entity disputes statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity
Disputes = "Disputes"
# The citing entity documents information about the cited entity
Documents = "Documents"
# The citing entity extends facts, ideas or understandings presented in the cited entity
Extends = "Extends"
# The cited entity provides background information for the citing entity
GivesBackgroundTo = "GivesBackgroundTo"
# The cited entity provides intellectual or factual support for the citing entity
GivesSupportTo = "GivesSupportTo"
# The cited entity evokes a reply from the citing entity
HasReplyFrom = "HasReplyFrom"
# The citing entity includes one or more excerpts from the cited entity
IncludesExcerptFrom = "IncludesExcerptFrom"
# The citing entity includes one or more quotations from the cited entity
IncludesQuotationFrom = "IncludesQuotationFrom"
# The cited entity contains statements, ideas or conclusions with which the citing entity agrees
IsAgreedWithBy = "IsAgreedWithBy"
# The cited entity is cited as providing an authoritative description or definition of the subject under discussion in the citing entity
IsCitedAsAuthorityBy = "IsCitedAsAuthorityBy"
# The cited entity is cited as a data source by the citing entity
IsCitedAsDataSourceBy = "IsCitedAsDataSourceBy"
# The cited entity is cited for providing factual evidence to the citing entity
IsCitedAsEvidenceBy = "IsCitedAsEvidenceBy"
# The cited entity is cited as being the container of metadata relating to the citing entity
IsCitedAsMetadataDocumentBy = "IsCitedAsMetadataDocumentBy"
# The cited entity is cited as providing or containing a possible solution to the issues being discussed in the citing entity
IsCitedAsPontentialSolutionBy = "IsCitedAsPontentialSolutionBy"
# The cited entity is cited by the citing entity as an item of recommended reading
IsCitedAsRecommendedReadingBy = "IsCitedAsRecommendedReadingBy"
# The cited entity is cited as being related to the citing entity
IsCitedAsRelatedBy = "IsCitedAsRelatedBy"
# The cited entity is cited as being the entity from which the citing entity is derived, or about which the citing entity contains metadata
IsCitedAsSourceDocumentBy = "IsCitedAsSourceDocumentBy"
# The cited entity (the subject of the RDF triple) is cited by the citing entity (the object of the triple)
IsCitedBy = "IsCitedBy"
# The cited entity is cited as a source of information on the subject under discussion in the citing entity
IsCitedForInformationBy = "IsCitedForInformationBy"
# The cited entity is the result of a compile or creation event using the citing entity
IsCompiledBy = "IsCompiledBy"
# The cited entity presents facts, ideas or statements that are confirmed by the citing entity
IsConfirmedBy = "IsConfirmedBy"
# The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are corrected by the citing entity
IsCorrectedBy = "IsCorrectedBy"
# The cited entity makes contributions that are acknowledged by the citing entity
IsCreditedBy = "IsCreditedBy"
# The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are critiqued by the citing entity
IsCritiquedBy = "IsCritiquedBy"
# The cited entity contains ideas or conclusions for which the citing entity express derision
IsDeridedBy = "IsDeridedBy"
# The cited entity is described by the citing entity
IsDescribedBy = "IsDescribedBy"
# The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are disagreed with by the citing entity
IsDisagreedWithBy = "IsDisagreedWithBy"
# The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are discussed by the citing entity
IsDiscussedBy = "IsDiscussedBy"
# The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are disputed by the citing entity
IsDisputedBy = "IsDisputedBy"
# Information about the cited entity is documented by the citing entity
IsDocumentedBy = "IsDocumentedBy"
# The cited entity presents facts, ideas or understandings that are extended by the citing entity
IsExtendedBy = "IsExtendedBy"
# The cited entity is the target for an HTTP Uniform Resource Locator (URL) link within the citing entity
IsLinkedToBy = "IsLinkedToBy"
# The characteristic style or content of the cited entity is imitated by the citing entity for comic effect, usually without explicit citation
IsParodiedBy = "IsParodiedBy"
# The cited entity is plagiarized by the author of the citing entity, who includes within the citing entity textual or other elements from the cited entity without formal acknowledgement of their source
IsPlagiarizedBy = "IsPlagiarizedBy"
# The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are qualified or have conditions placed upon them by the citing entity
IsQualifiedBy = "IsQualifiedBy"
# The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are refuted by the citing entity
IsRefutedBy = "IsRefutedBy"
# The cited entity is formally retracted by the citing entity
IsRetractedBy = "IsRetractedBy"
# The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are reviewed by the citing entity
IsReviewedBy = "IsReviewedBy"
# The cited entity or aspects of its contents are ridiculed by the citing entity
IsRidiculedBy = "IsRidiculedBy"
# The cited entity is cited because the citing article contains speculations on its content or ideas
IsSpeculatedOnBy = "IsSpeculatedOnBy"
# The cited entity receives intellectual or factual support from the citing entity
IsSupportedBy = "IsSupportedBy"
# The cited entity presents statements, ideas, hypotheses or understanding that are updated by the cited entity
IsUpdatedBy = "IsUpdatedBy"
# A property that permits you to express appreciation of or interest in something that is the object of the RDF triple, or to express that it is worth thinking about even if you do not agree with its content, enabling social media 'likes' statements to be encoded in RDF
Likes = "Likes"
# The citing entity provides a link, in the form of an HTTP Uniform Resource Locator (URL), to the cited entity
LinksTo = "LinksTo"
# The citing entity obtains background information from the cited entity
ObtainsBackgroundFrom = "ObtainsBackgroundFrom"
# The citing entity obtains intellectual or factual support from the cited entity
ObtainsSupportFrom = "ObtainsSupportFrom"
# The citing entity imitates the characteristic style or content of the cited entity for comic effect, usually without explicit citation
Parodies = "Parodies"
# A property indicating that the author of the citing entity plagiarizes the cited entity, by including textual or other elements from the cited entity without formal acknowledgement of their source
Plagiarizes = "Plagiarizes"
# The cited entity contains and is the original source of a statement of fact or a logical assertion (or a collection of such facts and/or assertions) that is to be found in the citing entity
ProvidesAssertionFor = "ProvidesAssertionFor"
# The cited entity presents conclusions that are used in work described in the citing entity
ProvidesConclusionsFor = "ProvidesConclusionsFor"
# The cited entity presents data that are used in work described in the citing entity
ProvidesDataFor = "ProvidesDataFor"
# The cited entity contains information, usually of a textual nature, that is excerpted by (used as an excerpt within) the citing entity
ProvidesExcerptFor = "ProvidesExcerptFor"
# The cited entity details a method that is used in work described by the citing entity
ProvidesMethodFor = "ProvidesMethodFor"
# The cited entity contains information, usually of a textual nature, that is quoted by (used as a quotation within) the citing entity
ProvidesQuotationFor = "ProvidesQuotationFor"
# The citing entity qualifies or places conditions or restrictions upon statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity
Qualifies = "Qualifies"
# The citing entity refutes statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity
Refutes = "Refutes"
# The citing entity replies to statements, ideas or criticisms presented in the cited entity
RepliesTo = "RepliesTo"
# The citing entity constitutes a formal retraction of the cited entity
Retracts = "Retracts"
# The citing entity reviews statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity
Reviews = "Reviews"
# The citing entity ridicules the cited entity or aspects of its contents
Ridicules = "Ridicules"
# Each entity has at least one author that shares a common institutional affiliation with an author of the other entity
SharesAuthorInstitutionWith = "SharesAuthorInstitutionWith"
# Each entity has at least one author in common with the other entity
SharesAuthorWith = "SharesAuthorWith"
# The two entities result from activities that have been funded by the same funding agency
SharesFundingAgencyWith = "SharesFundingAgencyWith"
# The citing and cited bibliographic resources are published in the same journal
SharesJournalWith = "SharesJournalWith"
# The citing and cited bibliographic resources are published in same publication venue
SharesPublicationVenueWith = "SharesPublicationVenueWith"
# The citing entity speculates on something within or related to the cited entity, without firm evidence
SpeculatesOn = "SpeculatesOn"
# The citing entity provides intellectual or factual support for statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity
Supports = "Supports"
# The citing entity updates statements, ideas, hypotheses or understanding presented in the cited entity
Updates = "Updates"
# The citing entity describes work that uses conclusions presented in the cited entity
UsesConclusionsFrom = "UsesConclusionsFrom"
# The citing entity describes work that uses data presented in the cited entity
UsesDataFrom = "UsesDataFrom"
# The citing entity describes work that uses a method detailed in the cited entity
UsesMethodIn = "UsesMethodIn"
Union type for valid block content.
BlockContent = Union["Claim", "CodeBlock", "CodeChunk", "Collection", "Figure", "Heading", "List", "ListItem", "MathBlock", "Paragraph", "QuoteBlock", "Table", "ThematicBreak"]
All type schemas that are derived from CodeBlock
CodeBlockTypes = Union["CodeBlock", "CodeChunk"]
All type schemas that are derived from CodeFragment
CodeFragmentTypes = Union["CodeFragment", "CodeExpression"]
All type schemas that are derived from Code
CodeTypes = Union["Code", "CodeBlock", "CodeChunk", "CodeExpression", "CodeFragment"]
All type schemas that are derived from ContactPoint
ContactPointTypes = Union["ContactPoint", "PostalAddress"]
All type schemas that are derived from CreativeWork
CreativeWorkTypes = Union["CreativeWork", "Article", "AudioObject", "Claim", "Collection", "Comment", "Datatable", "Figure", "ImageObject", "MediaObject", "Periodical", "PublicationIssue", "PublicationVolume", "Review", "SoftwareApplication", "SoftwareSourceCode", "Table", "VideoObject"]
All type schemas that are derived from Entity
EntityTypes = Union["Entity", "ArrayValidator", "Article", "AudioObject", "BooleanValidator", "Brand", "CitationIntentEnumeration", "Cite", "CiteGroup", "Claim", "Code", "CodeBlock", "CodeChunk", "CodeError", "CodeExpression", "CodeFragment", "Collection", "Comment", "ConstantValidator", "ContactPoint", "CreativeWork", "Datatable", "DatatableColumn", "Date", "DefinedTerm", "Delete", "Emphasis", "EnumValidator", "Enumeration", "Figure", "Function", "Grant", "Heading", "ImageObject", "Include", "IntegerValidator", "Link", "List", "ListItem", "Mark", "Math", "MathBlock", "MathFragment", "MediaObject", "MonetaryGrant", "NontextualAnnotation", "Note", "NumberValidator", "Organization", "Paragraph", "Parameter", "Periodical", "Person", "PostalAddress", "Product", "PropertyValue", "PublicationIssue", "PublicationVolume", "Quote", "QuoteBlock", "Review", "SoftwareApplication", "SoftwareEnvironment", "SoftwareSession", "SoftwareSourceCode", "StringValidator", "Strong", "Subscript", "Superscript", "Table", "TableCell", "TableRow", "ThematicBreak", "Thing", "TupleValidator", "Validator", "Variable", "VideoObject", "VolumeMount"]
All type schemas that are derived from Enumeration
EnumerationTypes = Union["Enumeration", "CitationIntentEnumeration"]
All type schemas that are derived from Grant
GrantTypes = Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]
Union type for valid inline content.
InlineContent = Union["AudioObject", "Cite", "CiteGroup", "CodeExpression", "CodeFragment", "Delete", "Emphasis", "ImageObject", "Link", "MathFragment", "MediaObject", "NontextualAnnotation", "Note", "Quote", "Strong", "Subscript", "Superscript", "VideoObject", None, bool, int, float, str]
All type schemas that are derived from Mark
MarkTypes = Union["Mark", "Delete", "Emphasis", "NontextualAnnotation", "Quote", "Strong", "Subscript", "Superscript"]
All type schemas that are derived from Math
MathTypes = Union["Math", "MathBlock", "MathFragment"]
All type schemas that are derived from MediaObject
MediaObjectTypes = Union["MediaObject", "AudioObject", "ImageObject", "VideoObject"]
Union type for all valid nodes.
Node = Union["Entity", None, bool, int, float, str, Dict[str, Any], Array[Any]]
All type schemas that are derived from Thing
ThingTypes = Union["Thing", "Article", "AudioObject", "Brand", "CitationIntentEnumeration", "Claim", "Collection", "Comment", "ContactPoint", "CreativeWork", "Datatable", "DatatableColumn", "DefinedTerm", "Enumeration", "Figure", "Grant", "ImageObject", "ListItem", "MediaObject", "MonetaryGrant", "Organization", "Periodical", "Person", "PostalAddress", "Product", "PropertyValue", "PublicationIssue", "PublicationVolume", "Review", "SoftwareApplication", "SoftwareEnvironment", "SoftwareSession", "SoftwareSourceCode", "Table", "VideoObject", "VolumeMount"]
All type schemas that are derived from Validator
ValidatorTypes = Union["Validator", "ArrayValidator", "BooleanValidator", "ConstantValidator", "EnumValidator", "IntegerValidator", "NumberValidator", "StringValidator", "TupleValidator"]
All type schemas that are derived from Variable
VariableTypes = Union["Variable", "Parameter"]
Global variables
var BlockContent
All type schemas that are derived from CodeBlock
var CodeBlockTypes
All type schemas that are derived from CodeFragment
var CodeFragmentTypes
All type schemas that are derived from Code
var CodeTypes
All type schemas that are derived from ContactPoint
var ContactPointTypes
All type schemas that are derived from CreativeWork
var CreativeWorkTypes
All type schemas that are derived from Entity
var EntityTypes
All type schemas that are derived from Enumeration
var EnumerationTypes
All type schemas that are derived from Grant
var GrantTypes
Union type for valid inline content.
var InlineContent
All type schemas that are derived from Mark
var MarkTypes
All type schemas that are derived from Math
var MathTypes
All type schemas that are derived from MediaObject
var MediaObjectTypes
Union type for all valid nodes.
var Node
All type schemas that are derived from Thing
var ThingTypes
All type schemas that are derived from Validator
var ValidatorTypes
All type schemas that are derived from Variable
class ArrayValidator (contains=None, id=None, itemsValidator=None, maxItems=None, meta=None, minItems=None, uniqueItems=None)
A validator specifying constraints on an array node.
Expand source code
class ArrayValidator(Validator): """A validator specifying constraints on an array node.""" contains: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None """An array node is valid if at least one of its items is valid against the `contains` schema.""" itemsValidator: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None """Another validator node specifying the constraints on all items in the array.""" maxItems: Optional[float] = None """An array node is valid if its size is less than, or equal to, this value.""" minItems: Optional[float] = None """An array node is valid if its size is greater than, or equal to, this value.""" uniqueItems: Optional[bool] = None """A flag to indicate that each value in the array should be unique.""" def __init__( self, contains: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, itemsValidator: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None, maxItems: Optional[float] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, minItems: Optional[float] = None, uniqueItems: Optional[bool] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if contains is not None: self.contains = contains if itemsValidator is not None: self.itemsValidator = itemsValidator if maxItems is not None: self.maxItems = maxItems if minItems is not None: self.minItems = minItems if uniqueItems is not None: self.uniqueItems = uniqueItems
Class variables
var contains
An array node is valid if at least one of its items is valid against the
schema. var itemsValidator
Another validator node specifying the constraints on all items in the array.
var maxItems
An array node is valid if its size is less than, or equal to, this value.
var minItems
An array node is valid if its size is greater than, or equal to, this value.
var uniqueItems
A flag to indicate that each value in the array should be unique.
Inherited members
class Article (about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, comments=None, content=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, pageEnd=None, pageStart=None, pagination=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
An article, including news and scholarly articles.
Expand source code
class Article(CreativeWork): """An article, including news and scholarly articles.""" content: Optional[Array["BlockContent"]] = None # type: ignore """The structured content of this article.""" pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None """The page on which the article ends; for example "138" or "xvi".""" pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None """The page on which the article starts; for example "135" or "xiii".""" pagination: Optional[str] = None """Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd; for example, "1-6, 9, 55". """ def __init__( self, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["BlockContent"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, pagination: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if content is not None: self.content = content if pageEnd is not None: self.pageEnd = pageEnd if pageStart is not None: self.pageStart = pageStart if pagination is not None: self.pagination = pagination
Class variables
var pageEnd
The page on which the article ends; for example "138" or "xvi".
var pageStart
The page on which the article starts; for example "135" or "xiii".
var pagination
Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd; for example, "1-6, 9, 55".
Inherited members
class AudioObject (contentUrl, about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, bitrate=None, caption=None, comments=None, content=None, contentSize=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, embedUrl=None, format=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, title=None, transcript=None, url=None, version=None)
An audio file
Expand source code
class AudioObject(MediaObject): """An audio file""" caption: Optional[str] = None """The caption for this audio recording.""" transcript: Optional[str] = None """The transcript of this audio recording.""" def __init__( self, contentUrl: str, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, bitrate: Optional[float] = None, caption: Optional[str] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, contentSize: Optional[float] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, embedUrl: Optional[str] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, transcript: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( contentUrl=contentUrl, about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, bitrate=bitrate, comments=comments, content=content, contentSize=contentSize, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, embedUrl=embedUrl, format=format, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if caption is not None: self.caption = caption if transcript is not None: self.transcript = transcript
Class variables
var caption
The caption for this audio recording.
var transcript
The transcript of this audio recording.
Inherited members
class BooleanValidator (id=None, meta=None)
A schema specifying that a node must be a boolean value.
Expand source code
class BooleanValidator(Validator): """A schema specifying that a node must be a boolean value.""" def __init__( self, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta )
Inherited members
class Brand (name, alternateNames=None, description=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, logo=None, meta=None, reviews=None, url=None)
A brand used by an organization or person for labeling a product, product group, or similar.
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class Brand(Thing): """ A brand used by an organization or person for labeling a product, product group, or similar. """ name: str # type: ignore """The name of the item.""" logo: Optional[Union["ImageObject", str]] = None """A logo associated with the brand.""" reviews: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Reviews of the brand.""" def __init__( self, name: str, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, logo: Optional[Union["ImageObject", str]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, reviews: Optional[Array[str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( name=name, alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, url=url ) if name is not None: = name if logo is not None: self.logo = logo if reviews is not None: = reviews
Class variables
var logo
A logo associated with the brand.
var reviews
Reviews of the brand.
Inherited members
class ECellType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var data
An enumeration.
var header
An enumeration.
class CitationIntentEnumeration (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
Expand source code
class CitationIntentEnumeration(Enum): """ The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically. """ # The citing entity agrees with statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity AgreesWith = "AgreesWith" # The citing entity cites the cited entity as one that provides an authoritative description or definition of the subject under discussion CitesAsAuthority = "CitesAsAuthority" # The citing entity cites the cited entity as source of data CitesAsDataSource = "CitesAsDataSource" # The citing entity cites the cited entity as source of factual evidence for statements it contains CitesAsEvidence = "CitesAsEvidence" # The citing entity cites the cited entity as being the container of metadata describing the citing entity CitesAsMetadataDocument = "CitesAsMetadataDocument" # The citing entity cites the cited entity as providing or containing a possible solution to the issues being discussed CitesAsPotentialSolution = "CitesAsPotentialSolution" # The citing entity cites the cited entity as an item of recommended reading CitesAsRecommendedReading = "CitesAsRecommendedReading" # The citing entity cites the cited entity as one that is related CitesAsRelated = "CitesAsRelated" # The citing entity cites the cited entity as being the entity from which the citing entity is derived, or about which the citing entity contains metadata CitesAsSourceDocument = "CitesAsSourceDocument" # The citing entity cites the cited entity as a source of information on the subject under discussion CitesForInformation = "CitesForInformation" # The citing entity is used to create or compile the cited entity Compiles = "Compiles" # The citing entity confirms facts, ideas or statements presented in the cited entity Confirms = "Confirms" # The citing entity contains a statement of fact or a logical assertion (or a collection of such facts and/or assertions) originally present in the cited entity ContainsAssertionFrom = "ContainsAssertionFrom" # The citing entity corrects statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity Corrects = "Corrects" # The citing entity acknowledges contributions made by the cited entity Credits = "Credits" # The citing entity critiques statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity Critiques = "Critiques" # The citing entity express derision for the cited entity, or for ideas or conclusions contained within it Derides = "Derides" # The citing entity describes the cited entity Describes = "Describes" # The citing entity disagrees with statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity DisagreesWith = "DisagreesWith" # The citing entity discusses statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity Discusses = "Discusses" # The citing entity disputes statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity Disputes = "Disputes" # The citing entity documents information about the cited entity Documents = "Documents" # The citing entity extends facts, ideas or understandings presented in the cited entity Extends = "Extends" # The cited entity provides background information for the citing entity GivesBackgroundTo = "GivesBackgroundTo" # The cited entity provides intellectual or factual support for the citing entity GivesSupportTo = "GivesSupportTo" # The cited entity evokes a reply from the citing entity HasReplyFrom = "HasReplyFrom" # The citing entity includes one or more excerpts from the cited entity IncludesExcerptFrom = "IncludesExcerptFrom" # The citing entity includes one or more quotations from the cited entity IncludesQuotationFrom = "IncludesQuotationFrom" # The cited entity contains statements, ideas or conclusions with which the citing entity agrees IsAgreedWithBy = "IsAgreedWithBy" # The cited entity is cited as providing an authoritative description or definition of the subject under discussion in the citing entity IsCitedAsAuthorityBy = "IsCitedAsAuthorityBy" # The cited entity is cited as a data source by the citing entity IsCitedAsDataSourceBy = "IsCitedAsDataSourceBy" # The cited entity is cited for providing factual evidence to the citing entity IsCitedAsEvidenceBy = "IsCitedAsEvidenceBy" # The cited entity is cited as being the container of metadata relating to the citing entity IsCitedAsMetadataDocumentBy = "IsCitedAsMetadataDocumentBy" # The cited entity is cited as providing or containing a possible solution to the issues being discussed in the citing entity IsCitedAsPontentialSolutionBy = "IsCitedAsPontentialSolutionBy" # The cited entity is cited by the citing entity as an item of recommended reading IsCitedAsRecommendedReadingBy = "IsCitedAsRecommendedReadingBy" # The cited entity is cited as being related to the citing entity IsCitedAsRelatedBy = "IsCitedAsRelatedBy" # The cited entity is cited as being the entity from which the citing entity is derived, or about which the citing entity contains metadata IsCitedAsSourceDocumentBy = "IsCitedAsSourceDocumentBy" # The cited entity (the subject of the RDF triple) is cited by the citing entity (the object of the triple) IsCitedBy = "IsCitedBy" # The cited entity is cited as a source of information on the subject under discussion in the citing entity IsCitedForInformationBy = "IsCitedForInformationBy" # The cited entity is the result of a compile or creation event using the citing entity IsCompiledBy = "IsCompiledBy" # The cited entity presents facts, ideas or statements that are confirmed by the citing entity IsConfirmedBy = "IsConfirmedBy" # The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are corrected by the citing entity IsCorrectedBy = "IsCorrectedBy" # The cited entity makes contributions that are acknowledged by the citing entity IsCreditedBy = "IsCreditedBy" # The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are critiqued by the citing entity IsCritiquedBy = "IsCritiquedBy" # The cited entity contains ideas or conclusions for which the citing entity express derision IsDeridedBy = "IsDeridedBy" # The cited entity is described by the citing entity IsDescribedBy = "IsDescribedBy" # The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are disagreed with by the citing entity IsDisagreedWithBy = "IsDisagreedWithBy" # The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are discussed by the citing entity IsDiscussedBy = "IsDiscussedBy" # The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are disputed by the citing entity IsDisputedBy = "IsDisputedBy" # Information about the cited entity is documented by the citing entity IsDocumentedBy = "IsDocumentedBy" # The cited entity presents facts, ideas or understandings that are extended by the citing entity IsExtendedBy = "IsExtendedBy" # The cited entity is the target for an HTTP Uniform Resource Locator (URL) link within the citing entity IsLinkedToBy = "IsLinkedToBy" # The characteristic style or content of the cited entity is imitated by the citing entity for comic effect, usually without explicit citation IsParodiedBy = "IsParodiedBy" # The cited entity is plagiarized by the author of the citing entity, who includes within the citing entity textual or other elements from the cited entity without formal acknowledgement of their source IsPlagiarizedBy = "IsPlagiarizedBy" # The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are qualified or have conditions placed upon them by the citing entity IsQualifiedBy = "IsQualifiedBy" # The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are refuted by the citing entity IsRefutedBy = "IsRefutedBy" # The cited entity is formally retracted by the citing entity IsRetractedBy = "IsRetractedBy" # The cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are reviewed by the citing entity IsReviewedBy = "IsReviewedBy" # The cited entity or aspects of its contents are ridiculed by the citing entity IsRidiculedBy = "IsRidiculedBy" # The cited entity is cited because the citing article contains speculations on its content or ideas IsSpeculatedOnBy = "IsSpeculatedOnBy" # The cited entity receives intellectual or factual support from the citing entity IsSupportedBy = "IsSupportedBy" # The cited entity presents statements, ideas, hypotheses or understanding that are updated by the cited entity IsUpdatedBy = "IsUpdatedBy" # A property that permits you to express appreciation of or interest in something that is the object of the RDF triple, or to express that it is worth thinking about even if you do not agree with its content, enabling social media 'likes' statements to be encoded in RDF Likes = "Likes" # The citing entity provides a link, in the form of an HTTP Uniform Resource Locator (URL), to the cited entity LinksTo = "LinksTo" # The citing entity obtains background information from the cited entity ObtainsBackgroundFrom = "ObtainsBackgroundFrom" # The citing entity obtains intellectual or factual support from the cited entity ObtainsSupportFrom = "ObtainsSupportFrom" # The citing entity imitates the characteristic style or content of the cited entity for comic effect, usually without explicit citation Parodies = "Parodies" # A property indicating that the author of the citing entity plagiarizes the cited entity, by including textual or other elements from the cited entity without formal acknowledgement of their source Plagiarizes = "Plagiarizes" # The cited entity contains and is the original source of a statement of fact or a logical assertion (or a collection of such facts and/or assertions) that is to be found in the citing entity ProvidesAssertionFor = "ProvidesAssertionFor" # The cited entity presents conclusions that are used in work described in the citing entity ProvidesConclusionsFor = "ProvidesConclusionsFor" # The cited entity presents data that are used in work described in the citing entity ProvidesDataFor = "ProvidesDataFor" # The cited entity contains information, usually of a textual nature, that is excerpted by (used as an excerpt within) the citing entity ProvidesExcerptFor = "ProvidesExcerptFor" # The cited entity details a method that is used in work described by the citing entity ProvidesMethodFor = "ProvidesMethodFor" # The cited entity contains information, usually of a textual nature, that is quoted by (used as a quotation within) the citing entity ProvidesQuotationFor = "ProvidesQuotationFor" # The citing entity qualifies or places conditions or restrictions upon statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity Qualifies = "Qualifies" # The citing entity refutes statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity Refutes = "Refutes" # The citing entity replies to statements, ideas or criticisms presented in the cited entity RepliesTo = "RepliesTo" # The citing entity constitutes a formal retraction of the cited entity Retracts = "Retracts" # The citing entity reviews statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity Reviews = "Reviews" # The citing entity ridicules the cited entity or aspects of its contents Ridicules = "Ridicules" # Each entity has at least one author that shares a common institutional affiliation with an author of the other entity SharesAuthorInstitutionWith = "SharesAuthorInstitutionWith" # Each entity has at least one author in common with the other entity SharesAuthorWith = "SharesAuthorWith" # The two entities result from activities that have been funded by the same funding agency SharesFundingAgencyWith = "SharesFundingAgencyWith" # The citing and cited bibliographic resources are published in the same journal SharesJournalWith = "SharesJournalWith" # The citing and cited bibliographic resources are published in same publication venue SharesPublicationVenueWith = "SharesPublicationVenueWith" # The citing entity speculates on something within or related to the cited entity, without firm evidence SpeculatesOn = "SpeculatesOn" # The citing entity provides intellectual or factual support for statements, ideas or conclusions presented in the cited entity Supports = "Supports" # The citing entity updates statements, ideas, hypotheses or understanding presented in the cited entity Updates = "Updates" # The citing entity describes work that uses conclusions presented in the cited entity UsesConclusionsFrom = "UsesConclusionsFrom" # The citing entity describes work that uses data presented in the cited entity UsesDataFrom = "UsesDataFrom" # The citing entity describes work that uses a method detailed in the cited entity UsesMethodIn = "UsesMethodIn"
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var AgreesWith
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var CitesAsAuthority
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var CitesAsDataSource
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var CitesAsEvidence
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var CitesAsMetadataDocument
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var CitesAsPotentialSolution
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var CitesAsRecommendedReading
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var CitesAsRelated
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var CitesAsSourceDocument
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var CitesForInformation
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Compiles
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Confirms
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var ContainsAssertionFrom
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Corrects
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Credits
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Critiques
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Derides
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Describes
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var DisagreesWith
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Discusses
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Disputes
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Documents
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Extends
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var GivesBackgroundTo
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var GivesSupportTo
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var HasReplyFrom
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IncludesExcerptFrom
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IncludesQuotationFrom
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsAgreedWithBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCitedAsAuthorityBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCitedAsDataSourceBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCitedAsEvidenceBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCitedAsMetadataDocumentBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCitedAsPontentialSolutionBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCitedAsRecommendedReadingBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCitedAsRelatedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCitedAsSourceDocumentBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCitedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCitedForInformationBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCompiledBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsConfirmedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCorrectedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCreditedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsCritiquedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsDeridedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsDescribedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsDisagreedWithBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsDiscussedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsDisputedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsDocumentedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsExtendedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsLinkedToBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsParodiedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsPlagiarizedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsQualifiedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsRefutedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsRetractedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsReviewedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsRidiculedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsSpeculatedOnBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsSupportedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var IsUpdatedBy
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Likes
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var LinksTo
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var ObtainsBackgroundFrom
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var ObtainsSupportFrom
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Parodies
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Plagiarizes
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var ProvidesAssertionFor
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var ProvidesConclusionsFor
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var ProvidesDataFor
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var ProvidesExcerptFor
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var ProvidesMethodFor
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var ProvidesQuotationFor
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Qualifies
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Refutes
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var RepliesTo
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Retracts
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Reviews
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Ridicules
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var SpeculatesOn
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Supports
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var Updates
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var UsesConclusionsFrom
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var UsesDataFrom
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var UsesMethodIn
The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
class ECitationMode (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var Narrative
An enumeration.
var NarrativeAuthor
An enumeration.
var NarrativeYear
An enumeration.
var Parenthetical
An enumeration.
var normal
An enumeration.
var suppressAuthor
An enumeration.
class Cite (target, citationIntent=None, citationMode=None, citationPrefix=None, citationSuffix=None, content=None, id=None, meta=None, pageEnd=None, pageStart=None, pagination=None)
A reference to a CreativeWork that is cited in another CreativeWork.
Expand source code
class Cite(Entity): """A reference to a CreativeWork that is cited in another CreativeWork.""" target: str """The target of the citation (URL or reference ID).""" citationIntent: Optional[Array["CitationIntentEnumeration"]] = None """The type/s of the citation, both factually and rhetorically.""" citationMode: Optional["ECitationMode"] = None """Determines how the citation is shown within the surrounding text.""" citationPrefix: Optional[str] = None """Text to show before the citation.""" citationSuffix: Optional[str] = None """Text to show after the citation.""" content: Optional[Array["InlineContent"]] = None """Optional structured content/text of this citation.""" pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None """The page on which the work ends; for example "138" or "xvi".""" pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None """The page on which the work starts; for example "135" or "xiii".""" pagination: Optional[str] = None """Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd; for example, "1-6, 9, 55". """ def __init__( self, target: str, citationIntent: Optional[Array["CitationIntentEnumeration"]] = None, citationMode: Optional["ECitationMode"] = None, citationPrefix: Optional[str] = None, citationSuffix: Optional[str] = None, content: Optional[Array["InlineContent"]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, pagination: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if target is not None: = target if citationIntent is not None: self.citationIntent = citationIntent if citationMode is not None: self.citationMode = citationMode if citationPrefix is not None: self.citationPrefix = citationPrefix if citationSuffix is not None: self.citationSuffix = citationSuffix if content is not None: self.content = content if pageEnd is not None: self.pageEnd = pageEnd if pageStart is not None: self.pageStart = pageStart if pagination is not None: self.pagination = pagination
Class variables
var citationIntent
The type/s of the citation, both factually and rhetorically.
var citationMode
Determines how the citation is shown within the surrounding text.
var citationPrefix
Text to show before the citation.
var citationSuffix
Text to show after the citation.
var content
Optional structured content/text of this citation.
var pageEnd
The page on which the work ends; for example "138" or "xvi".
var pageStart
The page on which the work starts; for example "135" or "xiii".
var pagination
Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd; for example, "1-6, 9, 55".
Inherited members
class CiteGroup (items, id=None, meta=None)
A group of
nodesExpand source code
class CiteGroup(Entity): """A group of `Cite` nodes""" items: Array["Cite"] """One or more `Cite`s to be referenced in the same surrounding text.""" def __init__( self, items: Array["Cite"], id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if items is not None: self.items = items
Inherited members
class Claim (content, about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, claimType=None, comments=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, label=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
A claim represents specific reviewable facts or statements.
Expand source code
class Claim(CreativeWork): """A claim represents specific reviewable facts or statements.""" content: Array["BlockContent"] # type: ignore """Content of the claim, usually a single paragraph.""" claimType: Optional["EClaimType"] = None """Kind of the claim.""" label: Optional[str] = None """A short label for the claim.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["BlockContent"], about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, claimType: Optional["EClaimType"] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if content is not None: self.content = content if claimType is not None: self.claimType = claimType if label is not None: self.label = label
Class variables
var claimType
Kind of the claim.
var label
A short label for the claim.
Inherited members
class EClaimType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var Corollary
An enumeration.
var Hypothesis
An enumeration.
var Lemma
An enumeration.
var Postulate
An enumeration.
var Proof
An enumeration.
var Proposition
An enumeration.
var Statement
An enumeration.
var Theorem
An enumeration.
class Code (text, format=None, id=None, meta=None, programmingLanguage=None)
Base type for code nodes e.g.
.Expand source code
class Code(Entity): """Base type for code nodes e.g. `CodeBlock`, `CodeExpression`.""" text: str """The text of the code.""" format: Optional[str] = None """Media type, typically expressed using a MIME format, of the code.""" programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None """The programming language of the code.""" def __init__( self, text: str, format: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if text is not None: self.text = text if format is not None: self.format = format if programmingLanguage is not None: self.programmingLanguage = programmingLanguage
Class variables
var format
Media type, typically expressed using a MIME format, of the code.
var programmingLanguage
The programming language of the code.
Inherited members
class CodeBlock (text, exportFrom=None, format=None, id=None, importTo=None, meta=None, programmingLanguage=None)
A code block.
Expand source code
class CodeBlock(Code): """A code block.""" exportFrom: Optional[str] = None """A compilation directive giving the name of the variable to export into the content of the code block. """ importTo: Optional[str] = None """A compilation directive giving the name of the variable to import the content of the code block as. """ def __init__( self, text: str, exportFrom: Optional[str] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, importTo: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( text=text, format=format, id=id, meta=meta, programmingLanguage=programmingLanguage ) if exportFrom is not None: self.exportFrom = exportFrom if importTo is not None: self.importTo = importTo
Class variables
var exportFrom
A compilation directive giving the name of the variable to export into the content of the code block.
var importTo
A compilation directive giving the name of the variable to import the content of the code block as.
Inherited members
class CodeChunk (text, alters=None, assigns=None, caption=None, declares=None, duration=None, errors=None, exportFrom=None, format=None, id=None, importTo=None, imports=None, label=None, meta=None, outputs=None, programmingLanguage=None, reads=None, uses=None)
A executable chunk of code.
Expand source code
class CodeChunk(CodeBlock): """A executable chunk of code.""" alters: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Names of variables that the code chunk alters.""" assigns: Optional[Array[Union["Variable", str]]] = None """Variables that the code chunk assigns to.""" caption: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], str]] = None """A caption for the CodeChunk.""" declares: Optional[Array[Union["Variable", "Function", str]]] = None """Variables that the code chunk declares.""" duration: Optional[float] = None """Duration in seconds of the last execution of the chunk.""" errors: Optional[Array["CodeError"]] = None """Errors when compiling or executing the chunk.""" imports: Optional[Array[Union["SoftwareSourceCode", "SoftwareApplication", str]]] = None """Software packages that the code chunk imports""" label: Optional[str] = None """A short label for the CodeChunk.""" outputs: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None """Outputs from executing the chunk.""" reads: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Filesystem paths that this code chunk reads from.""" uses: Optional[Array[Union["Variable", str]]] = None """Names of variables that the code chunk uses (but does not alter).""" def __init__( self, text: str, alters: Optional[Array[str]] = None, assigns: Optional[Array[Union["Variable", str]]] = None, caption: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], str]] = None, declares: Optional[Array[Union["Variable", "Function", str]]] = None, duration: Optional[float] = None, errors: Optional[Array["CodeError"]] = None, exportFrom: Optional[str] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, importTo: Optional[str] = None, imports: Optional[Array[Union["SoftwareSourceCode", "SoftwareApplication", str]]] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, outputs: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None, reads: Optional[Array[str]] = None, uses: Optional[Array[Union["Variable", str]]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( text=text, exportFrom=exportFrom, format=format, id=id, importTo=importTo, meta=meta, programmingLanguage=programmingLanguage ) if alters is not None: self.alters = alters if assigns is not None: self.assigns = assigns if caption is not None: self.caption = caption if declares is not None: self.declares = declares if duration is not None: self.duration = duration if errors is not None: self.errors = errors if imports is not None: self.imports = imports if label is not None: self.label = label if outputs is not None: self.outputs = outputs if reads is not None: self.reads = reads if uses is not None: self.uses = uses
Class variables
var alters
Names of variables that the code chunk alters.
var assigns
Variables that the code chunk assigns to.
var caption
A caption for the CodeChunk.
var declares
Variables that the code chunk declares.
var duration
Duration in seconds of the last execution of the chunk.
var errors
Errors when compiling or executing the chunk.
var imports
Software packages that the code chunk imports
var label
A short label for the CodeChunk.
var outputs
Outputs from executing the chunk.
var reads
Filesystem paths that this code chunk reads from.
var uses
Names of variables that the code chunk uses (but does not alter).
Inherited members
class CodeError (errorMessage, errorType=None, id=None, meta=None, stackTrace=None)
An error that occurred when parsing, compiling or executing a Code node.
Expand source code
class CodeError(Entity): """ An error that occurred when parsing, compiling or executing a Code node. """ errorMessage: str """The error message or brief description of the error.""" errorType: Optional[str] = None """The type of error e.g. "SyntaxError", "ZeroDivisionError".""" stackTrace: Optional[str] = None """Stack trace leading up to the error.""" def __init__( self, errorMessage: str, errorType: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, stackTrace: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if errorMessage is not None: self.errorMessage = errorMessage if errorType is not None: self.errorType = errorType if stackTrace is not None: self.stackTrace = stackTrace
Class variables
var errorType
The type of error e.g. "SyntaxError", "ZeroDivisionError".
var stackTrace
Stack trace leading up to the error.
Inherited members
class CodeExpression (text, errors=None, format=None, id=None, meta=None, output=None, programmingLanguage=None)
An expression defined in programming language source code.
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class CodeExpression(CodeFragment): """An expression defined in programming language source code.""" errors: Optional[Array["CodeError"]] = None """Errors when compiling or executing the chunk.""" output: Optional["Node"] = None """The value of the expression when it was last evaluated.""" def __init__( self, text: str, errors: Optional[Array["CodeError"]] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, output: Optional["Node"] = None, programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( text=text, format=format, id=id, meta=meta, programmingLanguage=programmingLanguage ) if errors is not None: self.errors = errors if output is not None: self.output = output
Class variables
var errors
Errors when compiling or executing the chunk.
var output
The value of the expression when it was last evaluated.
Inherited members
class CodeFragment (text, format=None, id=None, meta=None, programmingLanguage=None)
Inline code.
Expand source code
class CodeFragment(Code): """Inline code.""" def __init__( self, text: str, format: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( text=text, format=format, id=id, meta=meta, programmingLanguage=programmingLanguage )
Inherited members
class Collection (parts, about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, comments=None, content=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
A created collection of CreativeWorks or other artefacts.
Expand source code
class Collection(CreativeWork): """A created collection of CreativeWorks or other artefacts.""" parts: Array["CreativeWorkTypes"] # type: ignore """Elements of the collection which can be a variety of different elements, such as Articles, Datatables, Tables and more. """ def __init__( self, parts: Array["CreativeWorkTypes"], about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( parts=parts, about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, content=content, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if parts is not None: = parts
Inherited members
class Comment (about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, commentAspect=None, comments=None, content=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parentItem=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
A comment on an item, e.g on a Article, or SoftwareSourceCode.
Expand source code
class Comment(CreativeWork): """A comment on an item, e.g on a Article, or SoftwareSourceCode.""" commentAspect: Optional[str] = None """The part or facet of the item that is being commented on.""" parentItem: Optional["Comment"] = None """The parent comment of this comment.""" def __init__( self, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, commentAspect: Optional[str] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parentItem: Optional["Comment"] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, content=content, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if commentAspect is not None: self.commentAspect = commentAspect if parentItem is not None: self.parentItem = parentItem
Class variables
var commentAspect
The part or facet of the item that is being commented on.
var parentItem
The parent comment of this comment.
Inherited members
class ConstantValidator (id=None, meta=None, value=None)
A validator specifying a constant value that a node must have.
Expand source code
class ConstantValidator(Validator): """A validator specifying a constant value that a node must have.""" value: Optional["Node"] = None """The value that the node must have.""" def __init__( self, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, value: Optional["Node"] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if value is not None: self.value = value
Class variables
var value
The value that the node must have.
Inherited members
class ContactPoint (alternateNames=None, availableLanguages=None, description=None, emails=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, meta=None, name=None, telephoneNumbers=None, url=None)
A contact point, for example, a R&D department.
Expand source code
class ContactPoint(Thing): """A contact point, for example, a R&D department.""" availableLanguages: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Languages (human not programming) in which it is possible to communicate with the organization/department etc. """ emails: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Email address for correspondence.""" telephoneNumbers: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Telephone numbers for the contact point.""" def __init__( self, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, availableLanguages: Optional[Array[str]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, emails: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, telephoneNumbers: Optional[Array[str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, name=name, url=url ) if availableLanguages is not None: self.availableLanguages = availableLanguages if emails is not None: self.emails = emails if telephoneNumbers is not None: self.telephoneNumbers = telephoneNumbers
Class variables
var availableLanguages
Languages (human not programming) in which it is possible to communicate with the organization/department etc.
var emails
Email address for correspondence.
var telephoneNumbers
Telephone numbers for the contact point.
Inherited members
class CreativeWork (about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, comments=None, content=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
A creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc.
Expand source code
class CreativeWork(Thing): """ A creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc. """ about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None """The subject matter of the content.""" authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None """The authors of this creative work.""" comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None """Comments about this creative work.""" content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None """The structured content of this creative work c.f. property `text`.""" dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None """Date/time of acceptance.""" dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None """Date/time of creation.""" dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None """Date/time of most recent modification.""" datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None """Date of first publication.""" dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None """Date/time that work was received.""" editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None """People who edited the `CreativeWork`.""" fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None """Grants that funded the `CreativeWork`; reverse of `fundedItems`.""" funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None """People or organizations that funded the `CreativeWork`.""" genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Genre of the creative work, broadcast channel or group.""" isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None """An item or other CreativeWork that this CreativeWork is a part of. """ keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Keywords or tags used to describe this content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas. """ licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None """License documents that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL. """ maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None """The people or organizations who maintain this CreativeWork.""" parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None """Elements of the collection which can be a variety of different elements, such as Articles, Datatables, Tables and more. """ publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None """A publisher of the CreativeWork. """ references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None """References to other creative works, such as another publication, web page, scholarly article, etc. """ text: Optional[str] = None """The textual content of this creative work.""" title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None """The title of the creative work.""" version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None """The version of the creative work.""" def __init__( self, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, name=name, url=url ) if about is not None: self.about = about if authors is not None: self.authors = authors if comments is not None: self.comments = comments if content is not None: self.content = content if dateAccepted is not None: self.dateAccepted = dateAccepted if dateCreated is not None: self.dateCreated = dateCreated if dateModified is not None: self.dateModified = dateModified if datePublished is not None: self.datePublished = datePublished if dateReceived is not None: self.dateReceived = dateReceived if editors is not None: self.editors = editors if fundedBy is not None: self.fundedBy = fundedBy if funders is not None: self.funders = funders if genre is not None: self.genre = genre if isPartOf is not None: self.isPartOf = isPartOf if keywords is not None: self.keywords = keywords if licenses is not None: self.licenses = licenses if maintainers is not None: self.maintainers = maintainers if parts is not None: = parts if publisher is not None: self.publisher = publisher if references is not None: self.references = references if text is not None: self.text = text if title is not None: self.title = title if version is not None: self.version = version
- Article
- Claim
- Collection
- Comment
- Datatable
- Figure
- MediaObject
- Periodical
- PublicationIssue
- PublicationVolume
- Review
- SoftwareApplication
- SoftwareSourceCode
- Table
Class variables
var about
The subject matter of the content.
The authors of this creative work.
var comments
Comments about this creative work.
var content
The structured content of this creative work c.f. property
. var dateAccepted
Date/time of acceptance.
var dateCreated
Date/time of creation.
var dateModified
Date/time of most recent modification.
var datePublished
Date of first publication.
var dateReceived
Date/time that work was received.
var editors
People who edited the
. var fundedBy
Grants that funded the
; reverse offundedItems
. var funders
People or organizations that funded the
. var genre
Genre of the creative work, broadcast channel or group.
var isPartOf
An item or other CreativeWork that this CreativeWork is a part of.
var keywords
Keywords or tags used to describe this content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas.
var licenses
License documents that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL.
var maintainers
The people or organizations who maintain this CreativeWork.
var parts
Elements of the collection which can be a variety of different elements, such as Articles, Datatables, Tables and more.
var publisher
A publisher of the CreativeWork.
var references
References to other creative works, such as another publication, web page, scholarly article, etc.
var text
The textual content of this creative work.
var title
The title of the creative work.
var version
The version of the creative work.
Inherited members
class Datatable (columns, about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, comments=None, content=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
A table of data.
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class Datatable(CreativeWork): """A table of data.""" columns: Array["DatatableColumn"] """The columns of data.""" def __init__( self, columns: Array["DatatableColumn"], about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, content=content, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if columns is not None: self.columns = columns
Inherited members
class DatatableColumn (name, values, alternateNames=None, description=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, meta=None, url=None, validator=None)
A column of data within a Datatable.
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class DatatableColumn(Thing): """A column of data within a Datatable.""" name: str # type: ignore """The name of the item.""" values: Array[Any] """The data values of the column.""" validator: Optional["ArrayValidator"] = None """The validator to use to validate data in the column.""" def __init__( self, name: str, values: Array[Any], alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, validator: Optional["ArrayValidator"] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( name=name, alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, url=url ) if name is not None: = name if values is not None: self.values = values if validator is not None: self.validator = validator
Class variables
var validator
The validator to use to validate data in the column.
Inherited members
class Date (value, id=None, meta=None)
A date encoded as a ISO 8601 string.
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class Date(Entity): """A date encoded as a ISO 8601 string.""" value: str """The date as an ISO 8601 string.""" def __init__( self, value: str, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if value is not None: self.value = value
Inherited members
class DefinedTerm (name, alternateNames=None, description=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, meta=None, termCode=None, url=None)
A word, name, acronym, phrase, etc. with a formal definition.
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class DefinedTerm(Thing): """A word, name, acronym, phrase, etc. with a formal definition.""" name: str # type: ignore """The name of the item.""" termCode: Optional[str] = None """A code that identifies this DefinedTerm within a DefinedTermSet""" def __init__( self, name: str, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, termCode: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( name=name, alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, url=url ) if name is not None: = name if termCode is not None: self.termCode = termCode
Class variables
var termCode
A code that identifies this DefinedTerm within a DefinedTermSet
Inherited members
class Delete (content, id=None, meta=None)
Content that is marked for deletion
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class Delete(Mark): """Content that is marked for deletion""" def __init__( self, content: Array["InlineContent"], id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( content=content, id=id, meta=meta )
Inherited members
class Emphasis (content, id=None, meta=None)
Emphasised content.
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class Emphasis(Mark): """Emphasised content.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["InlineContent"], id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( content=content, id=id, meta=meta )
Inherited members
class Entity (id=None, meta=None)
The most simple compound (ie. non-atomic like
etc) type.Expand source code
class Entity: """ The most simple compound (ie. non-atomic like `number`, `string` etc) type. """ id: Optional[str] = None """The identifier for this item.""" meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None """Metadata associated with this item.""" def __init__( self, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( ) if id is not None: = id if meta is not None: self.meta = meta
- Cite
- CiteGroup
- Code
- CodeError
- Date
- Function
- Heading
- Include
- Link
- List
- Mark
- Math
- Note
- Paragraph
- QuoteBlock
- TableCell
- TableRow
- ThematicBreak
- Thing
- Validator
- Variable
Class variables
var id
The identifier for this item.
var meta
Metadata associated with this item.
class EnumValidator (id=None, meta=None, values=None)
A schema specifying that a node must be one of several values.
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class EnumValidator(Validator): """A schema specifying that a node must be one of several values.""" values: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None """A node is valid if it is equal to any of these values.""" def __init__( self, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, values: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if values is not None: self.values = values
Class variables
var values
A node is valid if it is equal to any of these values.
Inherited members
class Enumeration (alternateNames=None, description=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, meta=None, name=None, url=None)
Lists or enumerations, for example, a list of cuisines or music genres, etc.
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class Enumeration(Thing): """ Lists or enumerations, for example, a list of cuisines or music genres, etc. """ def __init__( self, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, name=name, url=url )
Inherited members
class Figure (about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, caption=None, comments=None, content=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, label=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
Encapsulates one or more images, videos, tables, etc, and provides captions and labels for them.
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class Figure(CreativeWork): """ Encapsulates one or more images, videos, tables, etc, and provides captions and labels for them. """ caption: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], str]] = None """A caption for the figure.""" label: Optional[str] = None """A short label for the figure.""" def __init__( self, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, caption: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], str]] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, content=content, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if caption is not None: self.caption = caption if label is not None: self.label = label
Class variables
var caption
A caption for the figure.
var label
A short label for the figure.
Inherited members
class Function (id=None, meta=None, name=None, parameters=None, returns=None)
A function with a name, which might take Parameters and return a value of a certain type.
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class Function(Entity): """ A function with a name, which might take Parameters and return a value of a certain type. """ name: Optional[str] = None """The name of the function.""" parameters: Optional[Array["Parameter"]] = None """The parameters of the function.""" returns: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None """The return type of the function.""" def __init__( self, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Array["Parameter"]] = None, returns: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if name is not None: = name if parameters is not None: self.parameters = parameters if returns is not None: self.returns = returns
Class variables
var name
The name of the function.
var parameters
The parameters of the function.
var returns
The return type of the function.
Inherited members
class Grant (alternateNames=None, description=None, fundedItems=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, meta=None, name=None, sponsors=None, url=None)
A grant, typically financial or otherwise quantifiable, of resources.
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class Grant(Thing): """A grant, typically financial or otherwise quantifiable, of resources.""" fundedItems: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None """Indicates an item funded or sponsored through a Grant.""" sponsors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None """A person or organization that supports a thing through a pledge, promise, or financial contribution.""" def __init__( self, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, fundedItems: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, sponsors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, name=name, url=url ) if fundedItems is not None: self.fundedItems = fundedItems if sponsors is not None: self.sponsors = sponsors
Class variables
var fundedItems
Indicates an item funded or sponsored through a Grant.
var sponsors
A person or organization that supports a thing through a pledge, promise, or financial contribution.
Inherited members
class Heading (content, depth=None, id=None, meta=None)
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class Heading(Entity): """Heading""" content: Array["InlineContent"] """Content of the heading.""" depth: Optional[float] = None """The depth of the heading.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["InlineContent"], depth: Optional[float] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if content is not None: self.content = content if depth is not None: self.depth = depth
Class variables
var depth
The depth of the heading.
Inherited members
class ImageObject (contentUrl, about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, bitrate=None, caption=None, comments=None, content=None, contentSize=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, embedUrl=None, format=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, thumbnail=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
An image file.
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class ImageObject(MediaObject): """An image file.""" caption: Optional[str] = None """The caption for this image.""" thumbnail: Optional["ImageObject"] = None """Thumbnail image of this image.""" def __init__( self, contentUrl: str, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, bitrate: Optional[float] = None, caption: Optional[str] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, contentSize: Optional[float] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, embedUrl: Optional[str] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, thumbnail: Optional["ImageObject"] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( contentUrl=contentUrl, about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, bitrate=bitrate, comments=comments, content=content, contentSize=contentSize, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, embedUrl=embedUrl, format=format, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if caption is not None: self.caption = caption if thumbnail is not None: self.thumbnail = thumbnail
Class variables
var caption
The caption for this image.
var thumbnail
Thumbnail image of this image.
Inherited members
class Include (source, content=None, format=None, id=None, meta=None)
A directive to include content from an external source (e.g. file, URL) or content.
Expand source code
class Include(Entity): """ A directive to include content from an external source (e.g. file, URL) or content. """ source: str """The source of the content, a URL or file path, or the content itself.""" content: Optional[Array["BlockContent"]] = None """The content to be included.""" format: Optional[str] = None """Media type, typically expressed using a MIME format, of the source content.""" def __init__( self, source: str, content: Optional[Array["BlockContent"]] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if source is not None: self.source = source if content is not None: self.content = content if format is not None: self.format = format
Class variables
var content
The content to be included.
var format
Media type, typically expressed using a MIME format, of the source content.
Inherited members
class IntegerValidator (id=None, meta=None)
A validator specifying the constraints on an integer node.
Expand source code
class IntegerValidator(Validator): """A validator specifying the constraints on an integer node.""" def __init__( self, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta )
Inherited members
class EItemListOrder (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var ascending
An enumeration.
var descending
An enumeration.
var unordered
An enumeration.
class Link (content, target, exportFrom=None, id=None, importTo=None, meta=None, relation=None, title=None)
A hyperlink to other pages, sections within the same document, resources, or any URL.
Expand source code
class Link(Entity): """ A hyperlink to other pages, sections within the same document, resources, or any URL. """ content: Array["InlineContent"] """The textual content of the link.""" target: str """The target of the link.""" exportFrom: Optional[str] = None """A compilation directive giving the name of the variable to export to the link target. """ importTo: Optional[str] = None """A compilation directive giving the name of the variable to import the link target as. """ relation: Optional[str] = None """The relation between the target and the current thing.""" title: Optional[str] = None """A title for the link.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["InlineContent"], target: str, exportFrom: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, importTo: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, relation: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if content is not None: self.content = content if target is not None: = target if exportFrom is not None: self.exportFrom = exportFrom if importTo is not None: self.importTo = importTo if relation is not None: self.relation = relation if title is not None: self.title = title
Class variables
var exportFrom
A compilation directive giving the name of the variable to export to the link target.
var importTo
A compilation directive giving the name of the variable to import the link target as.
var relation
The relation between the target and the current thing.
var title
A title for the link.
Inherited members
class List (items, id=None, meta=None, order=None)
A list of items.
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class List(Entity): """A list of items.""" items: Array["ListItem"] """The items in the list""" order: Optional["EItemListOrder"] = None """Type of ordering.""" def __init__( self, items: Array["ListItem"], id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, order: Optional["EItemListOrder"] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if items is not None: self.items = items if order is not None: self.order = order
Class variables
var order
Type of ordering.
Inherited members
class ListItem (alternateNames=None, content=None, description=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isChecked=None, item=None, meta=None, name=None, position=None, url=None)
A single item in a list.
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class ListItem(Thing): """A single item in a list.""" content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None """The content of the list item.""" isChecked: Optional[bool] = None """A flag to indicate if this list item is checked.""" item: Optional["Node"] = None """The item represented by this list item.""" position: Optional[float] = None """The position of the item in a series or sequence of items.""" def __init__( self, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isChecked: Optional[bool] = None, item: Optional["Node"] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, position: Optional[float] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, name=name, url=url ) if content is not None: self.content = content if isChecked is not None: self.isChecked = isChecked if item is not None: self.item = item if position is not None: self.position = position
Class variables
var content
The content of the list item.
var isChecked
A flag to indicate if this list item is checked.
var item
The item represented by this list item.
var position
The position of the item in a series or sequence of items.
Inherited members
class Mark (content, id=None, meta=None)
A base class for nodes that mark some other inline content in some way (e.g. as being emphasised, or quoted).
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class Mark(Entity): """ A base class for nodes that mark some other inline content in some way (e.g. as being emphasised, or quoted). """ content: Array["InlineContent"] """The content that is marked.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["InlineContent"], id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if content is not None: self.content = content
Inherited members
class Math (text, errors=None, id=None, mathLanguage=None, meta=None)
A mathematical variable or equation.
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class Math(Entity): """A mathematical variable or equation.""" text: str """The text of the equation in the language.""" errors: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Errors that occurred when parsing the math equation.""" mathLanguage: Optional[str] = None """The language used for the equation e.g tex, mathml, asciimath.""" def __init__( self, text: str, errors: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, mathLanguage: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if text is not None: self.text = text if errors is not None: self.errors = errors if mathLanguage is not None: self.mathLanguage = mathLanguage
Class variables
var errors
Errors that occurred when parsing the math equation.
var mathLanguage
The language used for the equation e.g tex, mathml, asciimath.
Inherited members
class MathBlock (text, errors=None, id=None, label=None, mathLanguage=None, meta=None)
A block of math, e.g an equation, to be treated as block content.
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class MathBlock(Math): """A block of math, e.g an equation, to be treated as block content.""" label: Optional[str] = None """A short label for the math block.""" def __init__( self, text: str, errors: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, mathLanguage: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( text=text, errors=errors, id=id, mathLanguage=mathLanguage, meta=meta ) if label is not None: self.label = label
Class variables
var label
A short label for the math block.
Inherited members
class MathFragment (text, errors=None, id=None, mathLanguage=None, meta=None)
A fragment of math, e.g a variable name, to be treated as inline content.
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class MathFragment(Math): """ A fragment of math, e.g a variable name, to be treated as inline content. """ def __init__( self, text: str, errors: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, mathLanguage: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( text=text, errors=errors, id=id, mathLanguage=mathLanguage, meta=meta )
Inherited members
class MediaObject (contentUrl, about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, bitrate=None, comments=None, content=None, contentSize=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, embedUrl=None, format=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
A media object, such as an image, video, or audio object embedded in a web page or a downloadable dataset.
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class MediaObject(CreativeWork): """ A media object, such as an image, video, or audio object embedded in a web page or a downloadable dataset. """ contentUrl: str """URL for the actual bytes of the media object, for example the image file or video file. """ bitrate: Optional[float] = None """Bitrate in megabits per second (Mbit/s, Mb/s, Mbps). """ contentSize: Optional[float] = None """File size in megabits (Mbit, Mb). """ embedUrl: Optional[str] = None """URL that can be used to embed the media on a web page via a specific media player. """ format: Optional[str] = None """Media type (MIME type) as per """ def __init__( self, contentUrl: str, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, bitrate: Optional[float] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, contentSize: Optional[float] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, embedUrl: Optional[str] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, content=content, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if contentUrl is not None: self.contentUrl = contentUrl if bitrate is not None: self.bitrate = bitrate if contentSize is not None: self.contentSize = contentSize if embedUrl is not None: self.embedUrl = embedUrl if format is not None: self.format = format
Class variables
var bitrate
Bitrate in megabits per second (Mbit/s, Mb/s, Mbps).
var contentSize
File size in megabits (Mbit, Mb).
var embedUrl
URL that can be used to embed the media on a web page via a specific media player.
var format
Media type (MIME type) as per
Inherited members
class MonetaryGrant (alternateNames=None, amounts=None, description=None, fundedItems=None, funders=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, meta=None, name=None, sponsors=None, url=None)
A monetary grant.
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class MonetaryGrant(Grant): """A monetary grant.""" amounts: Optional[float] = None """The amount of money.""" funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None """A person or organization that supports (sponsors) something through some kind of financial contribution. """ def __init__( self, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, amounts: Optional[float] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, fundedItems: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, sponsors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, fundedItems=fundedItems, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, name=name, sponsors=sponsors, url=url ) if amounts is not None: self.amounts = amounts if funders is not None: self.funders = funders
Class variables
var amounts
The amount of money.
var funders
A person or organization that supports (sponsors) something through some kind of financial contribution.
Inherited members
class NontextualAnnotation (content, id=None, meta=None)
Inline text that has a non-textual annotation.
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class NontextualAnnotation(Mark): """Inline text that has a non-textual annotation.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["InlineContent"], id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( content=content, id=id, meta=meta )
Inherited members
class Note (content, id=None, meta=None, noteType=None)
Additional content which is not part of the main content of a document.
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class Note(Entity): """ Additional content which is not part of the main content of a document. """ content: Array["BlockContent"] """Content of the note, usually a paragraph.""" noteType: Optional["ENoteType"] = None """Determines where the note content is displayed within the document.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["BlockContent"], id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, noteType: Optional["ENoteType"] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if content is not None: self.content = content if noteType is not None: self.noteType = noteType
Class variables
var noteType
Determines where the note content is displayed within the document.
Inherited members
class ENoteType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var Endnote
An enumeration.
var Footnote
An enumeration.
var Sidenote
An enumeration.
class NumberValidator (exclusiveMaximum=None, exclusiveMinimum=None, id=None, maximum=None, meta=None, minimum=None, multipleOf=None)
A validator specifying the constraints on a numeric node.
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class NumberValidator(Validator): """A validator specifying the constraints on a numeric node.""" exclusiveMaximum: Optional[float] = None """The exclusive upper limit for a numeric node.""" exclusiveMinimum: Optional[float] = None """The exclusive lower limit for a numeric node.""" maximum: Optional[float] = None """The inclusive upper limit for a numeric node.""" minimum: Optional[float] = None """The inclusive lower limit for a numeric node.""" multipleOf: Optional[float] = None """A number that a numeric node must be a multiple of.""" def __init__( self, exclusiveMaximum: Optional[float] = None, exclusiveMinimum: Optional[float] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, maximum: Optional[float] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, minimum: Optional[float] = None, multipleOf: Optional[float] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if exclusiveMaximum is not None: self.exclusiveMaximum = exclusiveMaximum if exclusiveMinimum is not None: self.exclusiveMinimum = exclusiveMinimum if maximum is not None: self.maximum = maximum if minimum is not None: self.minimum = minimum if multipleOf is not None: self.multipleOf = multipleOf
Class variables
var exclusiveMaximum
The exclusive upper limit for a numeric node.
var exclusiveMinimum
The exclusive lower limit for a numeric node.
var maximum
The inclusive upper limit for a numeric node.
var minimum
The inclusive lower limit for a numeric node.
var multipleOf
A number that a numeric node must be a multiple of.
Inherited members
class Organization (address=None, alternateNames=None, brands=None, contactPoints=None, departments=None, description=None, funders=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, legalName=None, logo=None, members=None, meta=None, name=None, parentOrganization=None, url=None)
An organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc.
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class Organization(Thing): """An organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc.""" address: Optional[Union["PostalAddress", str]] = None """Postal address for the organization. """ brands: Optional[Array["Brand"]] = None """Brands that the organization is connected with. """ contactPoints: Optional[Array["ContactPoint"]] = None """Correspondence/Contact points for the organization. """ departments: Optional[Array["Organization"]] = None """Departments within the organization. For example, Department of Computer Science, Research & Development etc. """ funders: Optional[Array[Union["Organization", "Person"]]] = None """Organization(s) or person(s) funding the organization. """ legalName: Optional[str] = None """Legal name for the Organization. Should only include letters and spaces. """ logo: Optional[Union["ImageObject", str]] = None """The logo of the organization.""" members: Optional[Array[Union["Organization", "Person"]]] = None """Person(s) or organization(s) who are members of this organization. """ parentOrganization: Optional["Organization"] = None """Entity that the Organization is a part of. For example, parentOrganization to a department is a university. """ def __init__( self, address: Optional[Union["PostalAddress", str]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, brands: Optional[Array["Brand"]] = None, contactPoints: Optional[Array["ContactPoint"]] = None, departments: Optional[Array["Organization"]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Organization", "Person"]]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, legalName: Optional[str] = None, logo: Optional[Union["ImageObject", str]] = None, members: Optional[Array[Union["Organization", "Person"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parentOrganization: Optional["Organization"] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, name=name, url=url ) if address is not None: self.address = address if brands is not None: self.brands = brands if contactPoints is not None: self.contactPoints = contactPoints if departments is not None: self.departments = departments if funders is not None: self.funders = funders if legalName is not None: self.legalName = legalName if logo is not None: self.logo = logo if members is not None: self.members = members if parentOrganization is not None: self.parentOrganization = parentOrganization
Class variables
var address
Postal address for the organization.
var brands
Brands that the organization is connected with.
var contactPoints
Correspondence/Contact points for the organization.
var departments
Departments within the organization. For example, Department of Computer Science, Research & Development etc.
var funders
Organization(s) or person(s) funding the organization.
var legalName
Legal name for the Organization. Should only include letters and spaces.
var logo
The logo of the organization.
var members
Person(s) or organization(s) who are members of this organization.
var parentOrganization
Entity that the Organization is a part of. For example, parentOrganization to a department is a university.
Inherited members
class Paragraph (content, id=None, meta=None)
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class Paragraph(Entity): """Paragraph""" content: Array["InlineContent"] """The contents of the paragraph.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["InlineContent"], id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if content is not None: self.content = content
Inherited members
class Parameter (name, default=None, id=None, isExtensible=None, isReadonly=None, isRequired=None, isVariadic=None, meta=None, validator=None, value=None)
A parameter that can be set and used in evaluated code.
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class Parameter(Variable): """A parameter that can be set and used in evaluated code.""" default: Optional["Node"] = None """The default value of the parameter.""" isExtensible: Optional[bool] = None """Indicates that this parameter is variadic and can accept multiple named arguments.""" isRequired: Optional[bool] = None """Is this parameter required, if not it should have a default or default is assumed to be null.""" isVariadic: Optional[bool] = None """Indicates that this parameter is variadic and can accept multiple arguments.""" def __init__( self, name: str, default: Optional["Node"] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, isExtensible: Optional[bool] = None, isReadonly: Optional[bool] = None, isRequired: Optional[bool] = None, isVariadic: Optional[bool] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, validator: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None, value: Optional["Node"] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( name=name, id=id, isReadonly=isReadonly, meta=meta, validator=validator, value=value ) if default is not None: self.default = default if isExtensible is not None: self.isExtensible = isExtensible if isRequired is not None: self.isRequired = isRequired if isVariadic is not None: self.isVariadic = isVariadic
Class variables
var default
The default value of the parameter.
var isExtensible
Indicates that this parameter is variadic and can accept multiple named arguments.
var isRequired
Is this parameter required, if not it should have a default or default is assumed to be null.
var isVariadic
Indicates that this parameter is variadic and can accept multiple arguments.
Inherited members
class Periodical (about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, comments=None, content=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateEnd=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, dateStart=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, issns=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
A periodical publication.
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class Periodical(CreativeWork): """A periodical publication.""" dateEnd: Optional["Date"] = None """The date this Periodical ceased publication.""" dateStart: Optional["Date"] = None """The date this Periodical was first published.""" issns: Optional[Array[str]] = None """The International Standard Serial Number(s) (ISSN) that identifies this serial publication.""" def __init__( self, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateEnd: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, dateStart: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, issns: Optional[Array[str]] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, content=content, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if dateEnd is not None: self.dateEnd = dateEnd if dateStart is not None: self.dateStart = dateStart if issns is not None: self.issns = issns
Class variables
var dateEnd
The date this Periodical ceased publication.
var dateStart
The date this Periodical was first published.
var issns
The International Standard Serial Number(s) (ISSN) that identifies this serial publication.
Inherited members
class Person (address=None, affiliations=None, alternateNames=None, description=None, emails=None, familyNames=None, funders=None, givenNames=None, honorificPrefix=None, honorificSuffix=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, jobTitle=None, memberOf=None, meta=None, name=None, telephoneNumbers=None, url=None)
A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).
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class Person(Thing): """A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).""" address: Optional[Union["PostalAddress", str]] = None """Postal address for the person.""" affiliations: Optional[Array["Organization"]] = None """Organizations that the person is affiliated with.""" emails: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Email addresses for the person.""" familyNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Family name. In the U.S., the last name of a person.""" funders: Optional[Array[Union["Organization", "Person"]]] = None """A person or organization that supports (sponsors) something through some kind of financial contribution. """ givenNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Given name. In the U.S., the first name of a person.""" honorificPrefix: Optional[str] = None """An honorific prefix preceding a person's name such as Dr/Mrs/Mr.""" honorificSuffix: Optional[str] = None """An honorific suffix after a person's name such as MD/PhD/MSCSW.""" jobTitle: Optional[str] = None """The job title of the person (for example, Financial Manager).""" memberOf: Optional[Array["Organization"]] = None """An organization (or program membership) to which this person belongs.""" telephoneNumbers: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Telephone numbers for the person.""" def __init__( self, address: Optional[Union["PostalAddress", str]] = None, affiliations: Optional[Array["Organization"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, emails: Optional[Array[str]] = None, familyNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Organization", "Person"]]] = None, givenNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, honorificPrefix: Optional[str] = None, honorificSuffix: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, jobTitle: Optional[str] = None, memberOf: Optional[Array["Organization"]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, telephoneNumbers: Optional[Array[str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, name=name, url=url ) if address is not None: self.address = address if affiliations is not None: self.affiliations = affiliations if emails is not None: self.emails = emails if familyNames is not None: self.familyNames = familyNames if funders is not None: self.funders = funders if givenNames is not None: self.givenNames = givenNames if honorificPrefix is not None: self.honorificPrefix = honorificPrefix if honorificSuffix is not None: self.honorificSuffix = honorificSuffix if jobTitle is not None: self.jobTitle = jobTitle if memberOf is not None: self.memberOf = memberOf if telephoneNumbers is not None: self.telephoneNumbers = telephoneNumbers
Class variables
var address
Postal address for the person.
var affiliations
Organizations that the person is affiliated with.
var emails
Email addresses for the person.
var familyNames
Family name. In the U.S., the last name of a person.
var funders
A person or organization that supports (sponsors) something through some kind of financial contribution.
var givenNames
Given name. In the U.S., the first name of a person.
var honorificPrefix
An honorific prefix preceding a person's name such as Dr/Mrs/Mr.
var honorificSuffix
An honorific suffix after a person's name such as MD/PhD/MSCSW.
var jobTitle
The job title of the person (for example, Financial Manager).
var memberOf
An organization (or program membership) to which this person belongs.
var telephoneNumbers
Telephone numbers for the person.
Inherited members
class PostalAddress (addressCountry=None, addressLocality=None, addressRegion=None, alternateNames=None, availableLanguages=None, description=None, emails=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, meta=None, name=None, postOfficeBoxNumber=None, postalCode=None, streetAddress=None, telephoneNumbers=None, url=None)
A physical mailing address.
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class PostalAddress(ContactPoint): """A physical mailing address.""" addressCountry: Optional[str] = None """The country.""" addressLocality: Optional[str] = None """The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region.""" addressRegion: Optional[str] = None """The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country.""" postOfficeBoxNumber: Optional[str] = None """The post office box number.""" postalCode: Optional[str] = None """The postal code.""" streetAddress: Optional[str] = None """The street address.""" def __init__( self, addressCountry: Optional[str] = None, addressLocality: Optional[str] = None, addressRegion: Optional[str] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, availableLanguages: Optional[Array[str]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, emails: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, postOfficeBoxNumber: Optional[str] = None, postalCode: Optional[str] = None, streetAddress: Optional[str] = None, telephoneNumbers: Optional[Array[str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( alternateNames=alternateNames, availableLanguages=availableLanguages, description=description, emails=emails, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, name=name, telephoneNumbers=telephoneNumbers, url=url ) if addressCountry is not None: self.addressCountry = addressCountry if addressLocality is not None: self.addressLocality = addressLocality if addressRegion is not None: self.addressRegion = addressRegion if postOfficeBoxNumber is not None: self.postOfficeBoxNumber = postOfficeBoxNumber if postalCode is not None: self.postalCode = postalCode if streetAddress is not None: self.streetAddress = streetAddress
Class variables
var addressCountry
The country.
var addressLocality
The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region.
var addressRegion
The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country.
var postOfficeBoxNumber
The post office box number.
var postalCode
The postal code.
var streetAddress
The street address.
Inherited members
class Product (alternateNames=None, brands=None, description=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, logo=None, meta=None, name=None, productID=None, url=None)
Any offered product or service. For example, a pair of shoes; a haircut; or an episode of a TV show streamed online.
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class Product(Thing): """ Any offered product or service. For example, a pair of shoes; a haircut; or an episode of a TV show streamed online. """ brands: Optional[Array["Brand"]] = None """Brands that the product is labelled with.""" logo: Optional[Union["ImageObject", str]] = None """The logo of the product.""" productID: Optional[str] = None """Product identification code.""" def __init__( self, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, brands: Optional[Array["Brand"]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, logo: Optional[Union["ImageObject", str]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, productID: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, name=name, url=url ) if brands is not None: self.brands = brands if logo is not None: self.logo = logo if productID is not None: self.productID = productID
Class variables
var brands
Brands that the product is labelled with.
var logo
The logo of the product.
var productID
Product identification code.
Inherited members
class PropertyValue (value, alternateNames=None, description=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, meta=None, name=None, propertyID=None, url=None)
A property-value pair.
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class PropertyValue(Thing): """A property-value pair.""" value: Union[bool, int, float, str] """The value of the property.""" propertyID: Optional[str] = None """A commonly used identifier for the characteristic represented by the property.""" def __init__( self, value: Union[bool, int, float, str], alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, propertyID: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, name=name, url=url ) if value is not None: self.value = value if propertyID is not None: self.propertyID = propertyID
Class variables
var propertyID
A commonly used identifier for the characteristic represented by the property.
Inherited members
class PublicationIssue (about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, comments=None, content=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, issueNumber=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, pageEnd=None, pageStart=None, pagination=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or publication volume, often numbered.
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class PublicationIssue(CreativeWork): """ A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or publication volume, often numbered. """ issueNumber: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None """Identifies the issue of publication; for example, "iii" or "2".""" pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None """The page on which the issue ends; for example "138" or "xvi".""" pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None """The page on which the issue starts; for example "135" or "xiii".""" pagination: Optional[str] = None """Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd; for example, "1-6, 9, 55". """ def __init__( self, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, issueNumber: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, pagination: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, content=content, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if issueNumber is not None: self.issueNumber = issueNumber if pageEnd is not None: self.pageEnd = pageEnd if pageStart is not None: self.pageStart = pageStart if pagination is not None: self.pagination = pagination
Class variables
var issueNumber
Identifies the issue of publication; for example, "iii" or "2".
var pageEnd
The page on which the issue ends; for example "138" or "xvi".
var pageStart
The page on which the issue starts; for example "135" or "xiii".
var pagination
Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd; for example, "1-6, 9, 55".
Inherited members
class PublicationVolume (about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, comments=None, content=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, pageEnd=None, pageStart=None, pagination=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None, volumeNumber=None)
A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or multi-volume work.
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class PublicationVolume(CreativeWork): """ A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or multi-volume work. """ pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None """The page on which the volume ends; for example "138" or "xvi".""" pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None """The page on which the volume starts; for example "135" or "xiii".""" pagination: Optional[str] = None """Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd; for example, "1-6, 9, 55". """ volumeNumber: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None """Identifies the volume of publication or multi-part work; for example, "iii" or "2". """ def __init__( self, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, pageEnd: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, pageStart: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, pagination: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None, volumeNumber: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, content=content, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if pageEnd is not None: self.pageEnd = pageEnd if pageStart is not None: self.pageStart = pageStart if pagination is not None: self.pagination = pagination if volumeNumber is not None: self.volumeNumber = volumeNumber
Class variables
var pageEnd
The page on which the volume ends; for example "138" or "xvi".
var pageStart
The page on which the volume starts; for example "135" or "xiii".
var pagination
Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd; for example, "1-6, 9, 55".
var volumeNumber
Identifies the volume of publication or multi-part work; for example, "iii" or "2".
Inherited members
class Quote (content, cite=None, id=None, meta=None)
Inline, quoted content.
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class Quote(Mark): """Inline, quoted content.""" cite: Optional[Union["Cite", str]] = None """The source of the quote.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["InlineContent"], cite: Optional[Union["Cite", str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( content=content, id=id, meta=meta ) if cite is not None: self.cite = cite
Class variables
var cite
The source of the quote.
Inherited members
class QuoteBlock (content, cite=None, id=None, meta=None)
A section quoted from somewhere else.
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class QuoteBlock(Entity): """A section quoted from somewhere else.""" content: Array["BlockContent"] """The content of the quote.""" cite: Optional[Union["Cite", str]] = None """The source of the quote.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["BlockContent"], cite: Optional[Union["Cite", str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if content is not None: self.content = content if cite is not None: self.cite = cite
Class variables
var cite
The source of the quote.
Inherited members
class Review (about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, comments=None, content=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, itemReviewed=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, reviewAspect=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
A review of an item, e.g of an Article, or SoftwareSourceCode.
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class Review(CreativeWork): """A review of an item, e.g of an Article, or SoftwareSourceCode.""" itemReviewed: Optional["Thing"] = None """The item that is being reviewed.""" reviewAspect: Optional[str] = None """The part or facet of the item that is being reviewed.""" def __init__( self, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, itemReviewed: Optional["Thing"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, reviewAspect: Optional[str] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, content=content, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if itemReviewed is not None: self.itemReviewed = itemReviewed if reviewAspect is not None: self.reviewAspect = reviewAspect
Class variables
var itemReviewed
The item that is being reviewed.
var reviewAspect
The part or facet of the item that is being reviewed.
Inherited members
class ERowType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
- enum.Enum
Class variables
An enumeration.
var header
An enumeration.
class ESessionStatus (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var failed
An enumeration.
var started
An enumeration.
var starting
An enumeration.
var stopped
An enumeration.
var stopping
An enumeration.
var unknown
An enumeration.
class SoftwareApplication (about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, comments=None, content=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, softwareRequirements=None, softwareVersion=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
A software application.
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class SoftwareApplication(CreativeWork): """A software application.""" softwareRequirements: Optional[Array["SoftwareApplication"]] = None """Requirements for application, including shared libraries that are not included in the application distribution. """ softwareVersion: Optional[str] = None """Version of the software.""" def __init__( self, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, softwareRequirements: Optional[Array["SoftwareApplication"]] = None, softwareVersion: Optional[str] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, content=content, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if softwareRequirements is not None: self.softwareRequirements = softwareRequirements if softwareVersion is not None: self.softwareVersion = softwareVersion
Class variables
var softwareRequirements
Requirements for application, including shared libraries that are not included in the application distribution.
var softwareVersion
Version of the software.
Inherited members
class SoftwareEnvironment (name, adds=None, alternateNames=None, description=None, extends=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, meta=None, removes=None, url=None)
A computational environment.
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class SoftwareEnvironment(Thing): """A computational environment.""" name: str # type: ignore """The name of the item.""" adds: Optional[Array["SoftwareSourceCode"]] = None """The packages that this environment adds to the base environments listed under `extends` (if any).,""" extends: Optional[Array["SoftwareEnvironment"]] = None """Other environments that this environment extends by adding or removing packages.,""" removes: Optional[Array["SoftwareSourceCode"]] = None """The packages that this environment removes from the base environments listed under `extends` (if any).,""" def __init__( self, name: str, adds: Optional[Array["SoftwareSourceCode"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, extends: Optional[Array["SoftwareEnvironment"]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, removes: Optional[Array["SoftwareSourceCode"]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( name=name, alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, url=url ) if name is not None: = name if adds is not None: self.adds = adds if extends is not None: self.extends = extends if removes is not None: self.removes = removes
Class variables
var adds
The packages that this environment adds to the base environments listed under
(if any)., var extends
Other environments that this environment extends by adding or removing packages.,
var removes
The packages that this environment removes from the base environments listed under
(if any).,
Inherited members
class SoftwareSession (alternateNames=None, clientsLimit=None, clientsRequest=None, cpuLimit=None, cpuRequest=None, dateEnd=None, dateStart=None, description=None, durationLimit=None, durationRequest=None, environment=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, memoryLimit=None, memoryRequest=None, meta=None, name=None, networkTransferLimit=None, networkTransferRequest=None, status=None, timeoutLimit=None, timeoutRequest=None, url=None, volumeMounts=None)
Definition of a compute session, including its software and compute resource requirements and status.
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class SoftwareSession(Thing): """ Definition of a compute session, including its software and compute resource requirements and status. """ clientsLimit: Optional[float] = None """The maximum number of concurrent clients the session is limited to.""" clientsRequest: Optional[float] = None """The maximum number of concurrent clients requested for the session.""" cpuLimit: Optional[float] = None """The amount of CPU the session is limited to.""" cpuRequest: Optional[float] = None """The amount of CPU requested for the session.""" dateEnd: Optional["Date"] = None """The date-time that the session ended.""" dateStart: Optional["Date"] = None """The date-time that the session began.""" durationLimit: Optional[float] = None """The maximum duration (seconds) the session is limited to.""" durationRequest: Optional[float] = None """The maximum duration (seconds) requested for the session.""" environment: Optional["SoftwareEnvironment"] = None """The software environment to execute this session in.""" memoryLimit: Optional[float] = None """The amount of memory that the session is limited to.""" memoryRequest: Optional[float] = None """The amount of memory requested for the session.""" networkTransferLimit: Optional[float] = None """The amount of network data transfer (GiB) that the session is limited to.""" networkTransferRequest: Optional[float] = None """The amount of network data transfer (GiB) requested for the session.""" status: Optional["ESessionStatus"] = None """The status of the session (starting, stopped, etc).""" timeoutLimit: Optional[float] = None """The inactivity timeout (seconds) the session is limited to.""" timeoutRequest: Optional[float] = None """The inactivity timeout (seconds) requested for the session.""" volumeMounts: Optional[Array["VolumeMount"]] = None """Volumes to mount in the session.""" def __init__( self, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, clientsLimit: Optional[float] = None, clientsRequest: Optional[float] = None, cpuLimit: Optional[float] = None, cpuRequest: Optional[float] = None, dateEnd: Optional["Date"] = None, dateStart: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, durationLimit: Optional[float] = None, durationRequest: Optional[float] = None, environment: Optional["SoftwareEnvironment"] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, memoryLimit: Optional[float] = None, memoryRequest: Optional[float] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, networkTransferLimit: Optional[float] = None, networkTransferRequest: Optional[float] = None, status: Optional["ESessionStatus"] = None, timeoutLimit: Optional[float] = None, timeoutRequest: Optional[float] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, volumeMounts: Optional[Array["VolumeMount"]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, name=name, url=url ) if clientsLimit is not None: self.clientsLimit = clientsLimit if clientsRequest is not None: self.clientsRequest = clientsRequest if cpuLimit is not None: self.cpuLimit = cpuLimit if cpuRequest is not None: self.cpuRequest = cpuRequest if dateEnd is not None: self.dateEnd = dateEnd if dateStart is not None: self.dateStart = dateStart if durationLimit is not None: self.durationLimit = durationLimit if durationRequest is not None: self.durationRequest = durationRequest if environment is not None: self.environment = environment if memoryLimit is not None: self.memoryLimit = memoryLimit if memoryRequest is not None: self.memoryRequest = memoryRequest if networkTransferLimit is not None: self.networkTransferLimit = networkTransferLimit if networkTransferRequest is not None: self.networkTransferRequest = networkTransferRequest if status is not None: self.status = status if timeoutLimit is not None: self.timeoutLimit = timeoutLimit if timeoutRequest is not None: self.timeoutRequest = timeoutRequest if volumeMounts is not None: self.volumeMounts = volumeMounts
Class variables
var clientsLimit
The maximum number of concurrent clients the session is limited to.
var clientsRequest
The maximum number of concurrent clients requested for the session.
var cpuLimit
The amount of CPU the session is limited to.
var cpuRequest
The amount of CPU requested for the session.
var dateEnd
The date-time that the session ended.
var dateStart
The date-time that the session began.
var durationLimit
The maximum duration (seconds) the session is limited to.
var durationRequest
The maximum duration (seconds) requested for the session.
var environment
The software environment to execute this session in.
var memoryLimit
The amount of memory that the session is limited to.
var memoryRequest
The amount of memory requested for the session.
var networkTransferLimit
The amount of network data transfer (GiB) that the session is limited to.
var networkTransferRequest
The amount of network data transfer (GiB) requested for the session.
var status
The status of the session (starting, stopped, etc).
var timeoutLimit
The inactivity timeout (seconds) the session is limited to.
var timeoutRequest
The inactivity timeout (seconds) requested for the session.
var volumeMounts
Volumes to mount in the session.
Inherited members
class SoftwareSourceCode (about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, codeRepository=None, codeSampleType=None, comments=None, content=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parts=None, programmingLanguage=None, publisher=None, references=None, runtimePlatform=None, softwareRequirements=None, targetProducts=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready) solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates.
Expand source code
class SoftwareSourceCode(CreativeWork): """ Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready) solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates. """ codeRepository: Optional[str] = None """Link to the repository where the un-compiled, human readable code and related code is located. """ codeSampleType: Optional[str] = None """What type of code sample: full (compile ready) solution, code snippet, inline code, scripts, template. """ programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None """The computer programming language. """ runtimePlatform: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Runtime platform or script interpreter dependencies (Example - Java v1, Python2.3, .Net Framework 3.0). """ softwareRequirements: Optional[Array[Union["SoftwareSourceCode", "SoftwareApplication", str]]] = None """Dependency requirements for the software.""" targetProducts: Optional[Array["SoftwareApplication"]] = None """Target operating system or product to which the code applies. """ def __init__( self, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, codeRepository: Optional[str] = None, codeSampleType: Optional[str] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, programmingLanguage: Optional[str] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, runtimePlatform: Optional[Array[str]] = None, softwareRequirements: Optional[Array[Union["SoftwareSourceCode", "SoftwareApplication", str]]] = None, targetProducts: Optional[Array["SoftwareApplication"]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, content=content, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if codeRepository is not None: self.codeRepository = codeRepository if codeSampleType is not None: self.codeSampleType = codeSampleType if programmingLanguage is not None: self.programmingLanguage = programmingLanguage if runtimePlatform is not None: self.runtimePlatform = runtimePlatform if softwareRequirements is not None: self.softwareRequirements = softwareRequirements if targetProducts is not None: self.targetProducts = targetProducts
Class variables
var codeRepository
Link to the repository where the un-compiled, human readable code and related code is located.
var codeSampleType
What type of code sample: full (compile ready) solution, code snippet, inline code, scripts, template.
var programmingLanguage
The computer programming language.
var runtimePlatform
Runtime platform or script interpreter dependencies (Example - Java v1, Python2.3, .Net Framework 3.0).
var softwareRequirements
Dependency requirements for the software.
var targetProducts
Target operating system or product to which the code applies.
Inherited members
class StringValidator (id=None, maxLength=None, meta=None, minLength=None, pattern=None)
A schema specifying constraints on a string node.
Expand source code
class StringValidator(Validator): """A schema specifying constraints on a string node.""" maxLength: Optional[float] = None """The maximum length for a string node.""" minLength: Optional[float] = None """The minimum length for a string node.""" pattern: Optional[str] = None """A regular expression that a string node must match.""" def __init__( self, id: Optional[str] = None, maxLength: Optional[float] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, minLength: Optional[float] = None, pattern: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if maxLength is not None: self.maxLength = maxLength if minLength is not None: self.minLength = minLength if pattern is not None: self.pattern = pattern
Class variables
var maxLength
The maximum length for a string node.
var minLength
The minimum length for a string node.
var pattern
A regular expression that a string node must match.
Inherited members
class Strong (content, id=None, meta=None)
Strongly emphasised content.
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class Strong(Mark): """Strongly emphasised content.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["InlineContent"], id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( content=content, id=id, meta=meta )
Inherited members
class Subscript (content, id=None, meta=None)
Subscripted content.
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class Subscript(Mark): """Subscripted content.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["InlineContent"], id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( content=content, id=id, meta=meta )
Inherited members
class Superscript (content, id=None, meta=None)
Superscripted content.
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class Superscript(Mark): """Superscripted content.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["InlineContent"], id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( content=content, id=id, meta=meta )
Inherited members
class Table (rows, about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, caption=None, comments=None, content=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, label=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, title=None, url=None, version=None)
A table.
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class Table(CreativeWork): """A table.""" rows: Array["TableRow"] """Rows of cells in the table. """ caption: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], str]] = None """A caption for the table.""" label: Optional[str] = None """A short label for the table.""" def __init__( self, rows: Array["TableRow"], about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, caption: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], str]] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, comments=comments, content=content, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if rows is not None: self.rows = rows if caption is not None: self.caption = caption if label is not None: self.label = label
Class variables
var caption
A caption for the table.
var label
A short label for the table.
Inherited members
class TableCell (content, cellType=None, colspan=None, id=None, meta=None, name=None, rowspan=None)
A cell within a
.Expand source code
class TableCell(Entity): """A cell within a `Table`.""" content: Array["Node"] """Contents of the table cell.""" cellType: Optional["ECellType"] = None """Indicates whether the cell is a header or data.""" colspan: Optional[int] = None """How many columns the cell extends. """ name: Optional[str] = None """The name of the cell.""" rowspan: Optional[int] = None """How many columns the cell extends.""" def __init__( self, content: Array["Node"], cellType: Optional["ECellType"] = None, colspan: Optional[int] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, rowspan: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if content is not None: self.content = content if cellType is not None: self.cellType = cellType if colspan is not None: self.colspan = colspan if name is not None: = name if rowspan is not None: self.rowspan = rowspan
Class variables
var cellType
Indicates whether the cell is a header or data.
var colspan
How many columns the cell extends.
var name
The name of the cell.
var rowspan
How many columns the cell extends.
Inherited members
class TableRow (cells, id=None, meta=None, rowType=None)
A row within a Table.
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class TableRow(Entity): """A row within a Table.""" cells: Array["TableCell"] """An array of cells in the row.""" rowType: Optional["ERowType"] = None """If present, indicates that all cells in this row should be treated as header cells. """ def __init__( self, cells: Array["TableCell"], id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, rowType: Optional["ERowType"] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if cells is not None: self.cells = cells if rowType is not None: self.rowType = rowType
Class variables
var rowType
If present, indicates that all cells in this row should be treated as header cells.
Inherited members
class ThematicBreak (id=None, meta=None)
A thematic break, such as a scene change in a story, a transition to another topic, or a new document.
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class ThematicBreak(Entity): """ A thematic break, such as a scene change in a story, a transition to another topic, or a new document. """ def __init__( self, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta )
Inherited members
class Thing (alternateNames=None, description=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, meta=None, name=None, url=None)
The most generic type of item.
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class Thing(Entity): """The most generic type of item.""" alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None """Alternate names (aliases) for the item.""" description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None """A description of the item.""" identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None """Any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing.""" images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None """Images of the item.""" name: Optional[str] = None """The name of the item.""" url: Optional[str] = None """The URL of the item.""" def __init__( self, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if alternateNames is not None: self.alternateNames = alternateNames if description is not None: self.description = description if identifiers is not None: self.identifiers = identifiers if images is not None: self.images = images if name is not None: = name if url is not None: self.url = url
- Brand
- ContactPoint
- CreativeWork
- DatatableColumn
- DefinedTerm
- Enumeration
- Grant
- ListItem
- Organization
- Person
- Product
- PropertyValue
- SoftwareEnvironment
- SoftwareSession
- VolumeMount
Class variables
var alternateNames
Alternate names (aliases) for the item.
var description
A description of the item.
var identifiers
Any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing.
var images
Images of the item.
var name
The name of the item.
var url
The URL of the item.
Inherited members
class TupleValidator (id=None, items=None, meta=None)
A validator specifying constraints on an array of heterogeneous items.
Expand source code
class TupleValidator(Validator): """ A validator specifying constraints on an array of heterogeneous items. """ items: Optional[Array["ValidatorTypes"]] = None """An array of validators specifying the constraints on each successive item in the array.""" def __init__( self, id: Optional[str] = None, items: Optional[Array["ValidatorTypes"]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if items is not None: self.items = items
Class variables
var items
An array of validators specifying the constraints on each successive item in the array.
Inherited members
class Validator (id=None, meta=None)
A base for all validator types.
Expand source code
class Validator(Entity): """A base for all validator types.""" def __init__( self, id: Optional[str] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta )
- ArrayValidator
- BooleanValidator
- ConstantValidator
- EnumValidator
- IntegerValidator
- NumberValidator
- StringValidator
- TupleValidator
Inherited members
class Variable (name, id=None, isReadonly=None, meta=None, validator=None, value=None)
A variable representing a name / value pair.
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class Variable(Entity): """A variable representing a name / value pair.""" name: str """The name of the variable.""" isReadonly: Optional[bool] = None """Whether or not a property is mutable. Default is false.""" validator: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None """The validator that the value is validated against.""" value: Optional["Node"] = None """The value of the variable.""" def __init__( self, name: str, id: Optional[str] = None, isReadonly: Optional[bool] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, validator: Optional["ValidatorTypes"] = None, value: Optional["Node"] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( id=id, meta=meta ) if name is not None: = name if isReadonly is not None: self.isReadonly = isReadonly if validator is not None: self.validator = validator if value is not None: self.value = value
Class variables
var isReadonly
Whether or not a property is mutable. Default is false.
var validator
The validator that the value is validated against.
var value
The value of the variable.
Inherited members
class VideoObject (contentUrl, about=None, alternateNames=None, authors=None, bitrate=None, caption=None, comments=None, content=None, contentSize=None, dateAccepted=None, dateCreated=None, dateModified=None, datePublished=None, dateReceived=None, description=None, editors=None, embedUrl=None, format=None, fundedBy=None, funders=None, genre=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, isPartOf=None, keywords=None, licenses=None, maintainers=None, meta=None, name=None, parts=None, publisher=None, references=None, text=None, thumbnail=None, title=None, transcript=None, url=None, version=None)
A video file.
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class VideoObject(MediaObject): """A video file.""" caption: Optional[str] = None """The caption for this video recording.""" thumbnail: Optional["ImageObject"] = None """Thumbnail image of this video recording.""" transcript: Optional[str] = None """The transcript of this video recording.""" def __init__( self, contentUrl: str, about: Optional[Array["Thing"]] = None, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, authors: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, bitrate: Optional[float] = None, caption: Optional[str] = None, comments: Optional[Array["Comment"]] = None, content: Optional[Array["Node"]] = None, contentSize: Optional[float] = None, dateAccepted: Optional["Date"] = None, dateCreated: Optional["Date"] = None, dateModified: Optional["Date"] = None, datePublished: Optional["Date"] = None, dateReceived: Optional["Date"] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, editors: Optional[Array["Person"]] = None, embedUrl: Optional[str] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, fundedBy: Optional[Array[Union["Grant", "MonetaryGrant"]]] = None, funders: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, genre: Optional[Array[str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, isPartOf: Optional["CreativeWorkTypes"] = None, keywords: Optional[Array[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, maintainers: Optional[Array[Union["Person", "Organization"]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parts: Optional[Array["CreativeWorkTypes"]] = None, publisher: Optional[Union["Person", "Organization"]] = None, references: Optional[Array[Union["CreativeWorkTypes", str]]] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, thumbnail: Optional["ImageObject"] = None, title: Optional[Union[Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, transcript: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( contentUrl=contentUrl, about=about, alternateNames=alternateNames, authors=authors, bitrate=bitrate, comments=comments, content=content, contentSize=contentSize, dateAccepted=dateAccepted, dateCreated=dateCreated, dateModified=dateModified, datePublished=datePublished, dateReceived=dateReceived, description=description, editors=editors, embedUrl=embedUrl, format=format, fundedBy=fundedBy, funders=funders, genre=genre, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, isPartOf=isPartOf, keywords=keywords, licenses=licenses, maintainers=maintainers, meta=meta, name=name, parts=parts, publisher=publisher, references=references, text=text, title=title, url=url, version=version ) if caption is not None: self.caption = caption if thumbnail is not None: self.thumbnail = thumbnail if transcript is not None: self.transcript = transcript
Class variables
var caption
The caption for this video recording.
var thumbnail
Thumbnail image of this video recording.
var transcript
The transcript of this video recording.
Inherited members
class VolumeMount (mountDestination, alternateNames=None, description=None, id=None, identifiers=None, images=None, meta=None, mountOptions=None, mountSource=None, mountType=None, name=None, url=None)
Describes a volume mount from a host to container.
Expand source code
class VolumeMount(Thing): """Describes a volume mount from a host to container.""" mountDestination: str """The mount location inside the container.""" mountOptions: Optional[Array[str]] = None """A list of options to use when applying the mount.""" mountSource: Optional[str] = None """The mount source directory on the host.""" mountType: Optional[str] = None """The type of mount.""" def __init__( self, mountDestination: str, alternateNames: Optional[Array[str]] = None, description: Optional[Union[Array["BlockContent"], Array["InlineContent"], str]] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, identifiers: Optional[Array[Union["PropertyValue", str]]] = None, images: Optional[Array[Union["ImageObject", str]]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, mountOptions: Optional[Array[str]] = None, mountSource: Optional[str] = None, mountType: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( alternateNames=alternateNames, description=description, id=id, identifiers=identifiers, images=images, meta=meta, name=name, url=url ) if mountDestination is not None: self.mountDestination = mountDestination if mountOptions is not None: self.mountOptions = mountOptions if mountSource is not None: self.mountSource = mountSource if mountType is not None: self.mountType = mountType
Class variables
var mountOptions
A list of options to use when applying the mount.
var mountSource
The mount source directory on the host.
var mountType
The type of mount.
Inherited members