

Definition of a compute session, including its software and compute resource requirements and status.


Name @id Type Description Inherited from
alternateNames schema:alternateName Array of string Alternate names (aliases) for the item. Thing
clientsLimit stencila:clientsLimit number The maximum number of concurrent clients the session is limited to. SoftwareSession
clientsRequest stencila:clientsRequest number The maximum number of concurrent clients requested for the session. SoftwareSession
cpuLimit stencila:cpuLimit number The amount of CPU the session is limited to. SoftwareSession
cpuRequest stencila:cpuRequest number The amount of CPU requested for the session. SoftwareSession
dateEnd schema:endDate Date The date-time that the session ended. SoftwareSession
dateStart schema:startDate Date The date-time that the session began. SoftwareSession
description schema:description Array of BlockContent or Array of InlineContent or string A description of the item. See note 2. Thing
durationLimit stencila:durationLimit number The maximum duration (seconds) the session is limited to. SoftwareSession
durationRequest stencila:durationRequest number The maximum duration (seconds) requested for the session. SoftwareSession
environment stencila:environment SoftwareEnvironment The software environment to execute this session in. SoftwareSession
id schema:id string The identifier for this item. Entity
identifiers schema:identifier Array of (PropertyValue or string) Any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing. See note 3. Thing
images schema:image Array of (ImageObject or Format ‘uri’) Images of the item. Thing
memoryLimit stencila:memoryLimit number The amount of memory that the session is limited to. SoftwareSession
memoryRequest stencila:memoryRequest number The amount of memory requested for the session. SoftwareSession
meta stencila:meta object Metadata associated with this item. Entity
name schema:name string The name of the item. Thing
networkTransferLimit stencila:networkTransferLimit number The amount of network data transfer (GiB) that the session is limited to. SoftwareSession
networkTransferRequest stencila:networkTransferRequest number The amount of network data transfer (GiB) requested for the session. SoftwareSession
status stencila:sessionStatus ‘unknown’, ‘starting’, ‘started’, ‘stopping’, ‘stopped’, ‘failed’ The status of the session (starting, stopped, etc). SoftwareSession
timeoutLimit stencila:timeoutLimit number The inactivity timeout (seconds) the session is limited to. SoftwareSession
timeoutRequest stencila:timeoutRequest number The inactivity timeout (seconds) requested for the session. SoftwareSession
url schema:url Format ‘uri’ The URL of the item. Thing
volumeMounts stencila:volumeMounts Array of VolumeMount Volumes to mount in the session. SoftwareSession


  1. Usually used to define the environment that is required to execute an executable document.
  2. description : Allows for the description to be an array of nodes (e.g. an array of inline content, or a couple of paragraphs), or a string. The minItems restriction avoids a string being coerced into an array with a single string item.
  3. identifiers : Some identifiers have specific properties e.g the issn property for the Periodical type. These should be used in preference to this property which is intended for identifiers that do not yet have a specific property. Identifiers can be represented as strings, but using a PropertyValue will usually be better because it allows for propertyID (i.e. the type of identifier).

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This documentation was generated from SoftwareSession.schema.yaml.