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Type aliases



Type aliases


Union type for valid block content.


CodeBlockTypes: CodeBlock | CodeChunk

All type schemas that are derived from CodeBlock


CodeFragmentTypes: CodeFragment | CodeExpression

All type schemas that are derived from CodeFragment


All type schemas that are derived from Code


ContactPointTypes: ContactPoint | PostalAddress

All type schemas that are derived from ContactPoint


All type schemas that are derived from CreativeWork


All type schemas that are derived from Entity


All type schemas that are derived from Enumeration


GrantTypes: Grant | MonetaryGrant

All type schemas that are derived from Grant


Union type for valid inline content.


All type schemas that are derived from Mark


MathTypes: Math | MathBlock | MathFragment

All type schemas that are derived from Math


All type schemas that are derived from MediaObject



Node: Entity | null | boolean | number | string | {} | any[]

Union type for all valid nodes.


All type schemas that are derived from Thing


TypeMap<T>: {[ key in T["type"]]: key }

Type parameters


TypeMapGeneric<T>: {[ key in T["type"]]: key }

Type parameters

  • T: { type: string } & object = { type: string }


All type schemas that are derived from Validator


VariableTypes: Variable | Parameter

All type schemas that are derived from Variable


Const blockContentTypes

blockContentTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<BlockContent, Primitives>> = ...

Const codeBlockTypes

codeBlockTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<CodeBlockTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const codeFragmentTypes

codeFragmentTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<CodeFragmentTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const codeTypes

codeTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<CodeTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const contactPointTypes

contactPointTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<ContactPointTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const creativeWorkTypes

creativeWorkTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<CreativeWorkTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const entityTypes

entityTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<EntityTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const enumerationTypes

enumerationTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<EnumerationTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const grantTypes

grantTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<GrantTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const inlineContentTypes

inlineContentTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<InlineContent, Primitives>> = ...

Const markTypes

markTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<MarkTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const mathTypes

mathTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<MathTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const mediaObjectTypes

mediaObjectTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<MediaObjectTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const thingTypes

thingTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<ThingTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const validatorTypes

validatorTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<ValidatorTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const variableTypes

variableTypes: TypeMap<Exclude<VariableTypes, Primitives>> = ...

Const version

version: string = ...

Get the version string (e.g "1.2.3") for this package

Const versionMajor

versionMajor: string = ...

Get the major version string (e.g "1") for this package

Const versionMinor

versionMinor: string = ...

Get the minor version string (e.g "1.2") for this package


Const arrayValidator

  • Create a ArrayValidator node


    • props: Omit<ArrayValidator, "type"> = {}

      Object containing ArrayValidator schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns ArrayValidator

    ArrayValidator schema node

Const article

  • Create a Article node


    • props: Omit<Article, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Article schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Article

    Article schema node

Const audioObject

  • Create a AudioObject node


    • props: Omit<AudioObject, "type">

      Object containing AudioObject schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns AudioObject

    AudioObject schema node

Const booleanValidator

  • Create a BooleanValidator node


    • props: Omit<BooleanValidator, "type"> = {}

      Object containing BooleanValidator schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns BooleanValidator

    BooleanValidator schema node

Const brand

  • Create a Brand node


    • props: Omit<Brand, "type">

      Object containing Brand schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Brand

    Brand schema node

Const cite

  • Create a Cite node


    • props: Omit<Cite, "type">

      Object containing Cite schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Cite

    Cite schema node

Const citeGroup

  • Create a CiteGroup node


    • props: Omit<CiteGroup, "type">

      Object containing CiteGroup schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns CiteGroup

    CiteGroup schema node

Const claim

  • Create a Claim node


    • props: Omit<Claim, "type">

      Object containing Claim schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Claim

    Claim schema node

Const code

  • Create a Code node


    • props: Omit<Code, "type">

      Object containing Code schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Code

    Code schema node

Const codeBlock

  • Create a CodeBlock node


    • props: Omit<CodeBlock, "type">

      Object containing CodeBlock schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns CodeBlock

    CodeBlock schema node

Const codeChunk

  • Create a CodeChunk node


    • props: Omit<CodeChunk, "type">

      Object containing CodeChunk schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns CodeChunk

    CodeChunk schema node

Const codeError

  • Create a CodeError node


    • props: Omit<CodeError, "type">

      Object containing CodeError schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns CodeError

    CodeError schema node

Const codeExpression

  • Create a CodeExpression node


    • props: Omit<CodeExpression, "type">

      Object containing CodeExpression schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns CodeExpression

    CodeExpression schema node

Const codeFragment

  • Create a CodeFragment node


    • props: Omit<CodeFragment, "type">

      Object containing CodeFragment schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns CodeFragment

    CodeFragment schema node

Const collection

  • Create a Collection node


    • props: Omit<Collection, "type">

      Object containing Collection schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Collection

    Collection schema node

Const comment

  • Create a Comment node


    • props: Omit<Comment, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Comment schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Comment

    Comment schema node

Const constantValidator

  • Create a ConstantValidator node


    • props: Omit<ConstantValidator, "type"> = {}

      Object containing ConstantValidator schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns ConstantValidator

    ConstantValidator schema node

Const contactPoint

  • Create a ContactPoint node


    • props: Omit<ContactPoint, "type"> = {}

      Object containing ContactPoint schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns ContactPoint

    ContactPoint schema node

Const creativeWork

  • Create a CreativeWork node


    • props: Omit<CreativeWork, "type"> = {}

      Object containing CreativeWork schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns CreativeWork

    CreativeWork schema node

Const datatable

  • Create a Datatable node


    • props: Omit<Datatable, "type">

      Object containing Datatable schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Datatable

    Datatable schema node

Const datatableColumn

  • Create a DatatableColumn node


    • props: Omit<DatatableColumn, "type">

      Object containing DatatableColumn schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns DatatableColumn

    DatatableColumn schema node

Const date

  • Create a Date node


    • props: Omit<Date, "type">

      Object containing Date schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Date

    Date schema node

Const definedTerm

  • Create a DefinedTerm node


    • props: Omit<DefinedTerm, "type">

      Object containing DefinedTerm schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns DefinedTerm

    DefinedTerm schema node

Const del

  • Create a Delete node


    • props: Omit<Delete, "type">

      Object containing Delete schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Delete

    Delete schema node

Const emphasis

  • Create a Emphasis node


    • props: Omit<Emphasis, "type">

      Object containing Emphasis schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Emphasis

    Emphasis schema node

Const entity

  • Create a Entity node


    • props: Omit<Entity, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Entity schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Entity

    Entity schema node

Const enumValidator

  • Create a EnumValidator node


    • props: Omit<EnumValidator, "type"> = {}

      Object containing EnumValidator schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns EnumValidator

    EnumValidator schema node

Const enumeration

  • Create a Enumeration node


    • props: Omit<Enumeration, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Enumeration schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Enumeration

    Enumeration schema node

Const figure

  • Create a Figure node


    • props: Omit<Figure, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Figure schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Figure

    Figure schema node

Const function_

  • Create a Function node


    • props: Omit<Function, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Function schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Function

    Function schema node

Const grant

  • Create a Grant node


    • props: Omit<Grant, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Grant schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Grant

    Grant schema node

Const heading

  • Create a Heading node


    • props: Omit<Heading, "type">

      Object containing Heading schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Heading

    Heading schema node

Const imageObject

  • Create a ImageObject node


    • props: Omit<ImageObject, "type">

      Object containing ImageObject schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns ImageObject

    ImageObject schema node

Const include

  • Create a Include node


    • props: Omit<Include, "type">

      Object containing Include schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Include

    Include schema node

Const integerValidator

  • Create a IntegerValidator node


    • props: Omit<IntegerValidator, "type"> = {}

      Object containing IntegerValidator schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns IntegerValidator

    IntegerValidator schema node

Const is

  • is<Ts>(type: Ts["type"]): (node?: Node) => node is ExtractGeneric<TypeMap<Ts>>
  • Returns a type guard to determine whether a node is of a particular type. Returns a boolean value and narrows the TypeScript inferred type to the type.

    Type parameters


    • type: Ts["type"]

      The type to test for

    Returns (node?: Node) => node is ExtractGeneric<TypeMap<Ts>>

      • Parameters

        • Optional node: Node

        Returns node is ExtractGeneric<TypeMap<Ts>>

Const isA

  • isA<K>(type: K, node: undefined | Node): node is Types[K]
  • A type guard to determine whether a node is of a specific type. Returns a boolean value and narrows the TypeScript inferred type to the type.

    e.g. isA('Paragraph', node)

    Type parameters


    • type: K

      The name of the type to test for

    • node: undefined | Node

      The node being tested

    Returns node is Types[K]

Const isArticle

  • Type guard to determine whether a node is an Article.


    • Optional node: Node

      The node to get the type for

    Returns node is Article

Const isBlockContent

Const isCode

  • Type guard to determine whether a node is a Code.


    • Optional node: Node

      The node to get the type for

    Returns node is CodeTypes

Const isCreativeWork

Const isEntity

  • Type guard to determine whether a node is an Entity


    • Optional node: Node

      The node to get the type for

    Returns node is Entity

    Returns true if node is an Entity or derived type

Const isInlineContent

Const isInlineEntity

  • Type guard to determine whether a node is both InlineContent and and an Entity.


    • Optional node: Node

      The node to get the type for

    Returns node is InlineContent

Const isInstanceOf

  • isInstanceOf<E, TM>(typeMap: E extends never ? never : TM, node?: Node): node is E
  • Type parameters


    • typeMap: E extends never ? never : TM
    • Optional node: Node

    Returns node is E

Const isListItem

  • Type guard to determine whether a node is an ListItem.


    • Optional node: Node

      The node to get the type for

    Returns node is ListItem

Const isParagraph

  • Type guard to determine whether a node is an Paragraph.


    • Optional node: Node

      The node to get the type for

    Returns node is Paragraph

Const isPrimitive

  • isPrimitive(node?: Node): node is null | string | number | boolean
  • Type guard to determine whether a node is a primitive type. Returns a boolean value and narrows the TypeScript inferred type.


    • Optional node: Node

      The node to get the type for

    Returns node is null | string | number | boolean

    Returns true if node is one of null, boolean, string, or number

Const isType

  • isType<K>(type: K): (node?: Node) => node is Types[K]
  • Returns a type guard to determine whether a node is of a specific type. Returns a boolean value and narrows the TypeScript inferred type to the type.

    e.g. article.content.filter(isType('Paragraph'))

    Type parameters


    • type: K

      The type to test for

    Returns (node?: Node) => node is Types[K]


  • jsonLdContext(): typeof CONTEXT
  • Get Stencila Schema's JSON-LD @context as an object.

    Returns typeof CONTEXT


  • jsonLdTermName(url: string): string | undefined
  • Get the name of a term in the Stencila Schema's JSON-LD @context from a URL.

    This is the inverse of jsonLdTermUrl.


    • url: string

      A url to resolve into a term

    Returns string | undefined


  • jsonLdTermUrl(term: string): string | undefined
  • Get the URL for a term in the Stencila Schema's JSON-LD @context from it's name.

    This uses the JSON-LD @context in stencila.jsonld (which provides a mapping between vocabularies) to translate type names used in the Stencila Schema to those used in other schemas (e.g. Schema.org, Bioschemas). The compact IRIs in the @context e.g. schema:Person are expanded to a URL e.g. http://schema.org/Person suitable for the itemtype attribute.


    • term: string

      A term in the JSON-LD @context. May, or may not be in the stencila namespace

    Returns string | undefined


  • jsonLdUrl(term?: string): string
  • Get the URL of Stencila Schema's JSON-LD @context or for a specific stencila: term e.g. CodeChunk, outputs.

    The @context's URL needs to have a trailing slash because it gets prefixed to all keys during JSON-LD expansion. e.g. the term CodeChunk gets expanded to http://schema.stenci.la/v0/jsonld/CodeChunk (which in gets redirected to https://unpkg.com/@stencila/schema@0.32.1/dist/CodeChunk.jsonld)


    • term: string = ''

      The Stencila term (type or property) to generate the URL for. Defaults to empty string i.e. the context.

    Returns string


  • jsonSchemaProperties(): Promise<Record<string, Property>>
  • Get all the properties in all types in the Stencila Schema.

    Returns a alphabetically sorted Record with information on each property, including the types that it occurs on, and whether or not it is an array property.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, Property>>


  • jsonSchemaTypes(): Promise<string[]>


  • jsonSchemas(): Promise<typeof SCHEMAS>

Const link

  • Create a Link node


    • props: Omit<Link, "type">

      Object containing Link schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Link

    Link schema node

Const list

  • Create a List node


    • props: Omit<List, "type">

      Object containing List schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns List

    List schema node

Const listItem

  • Create a ListItem node


    • props: Omit<ListItem, "type"> = {}

      Object containing ListItem schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns ListItem

    ListItem schema node

Const mark

  • Create a Mark node


    • props: Omit<Mark, "type">

      Object containing Mark schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Mark

    Mark schema node

Const math

  • Create a Math node


    • props: Omit<Math, "type">

      Object containing Math schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Math

    Math schema node

Const mathBlock

  • Create a MathBlock node


    • props: Omit<MathBlock, "type">

      Object containing MathBlock schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns MathBlock

    MathBlock schema node

Const mathFragment

  • Create a MathFragment node


    • props: Omit<MathFragment, "type">

      Object containing MathFragment schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns MathFragment

    MathFragment schema node

Const mediaObject

  • Create a MediaObject node


    • props: Omit<MediaObject, "type">

      Object containing MediaObject schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns MediaObject

    MediaObject schema node


  • microdata(node: Node, property?: string, role?: Role, id?: string): Microdata
  • Create all Microdata attributes for a Stencila Node.


    • node: Node

      The node e.g. a Person node

    • Optional property: string

      The name of the property that this node is part of e.g authors

    • Optional role: Role

      Is this an item within an array property e.g a Person within authors

    • Optional id: string

      The id used to link to / from this Microdata item

    Returns Microdata


  • Create MicrodataItem attributes for a node.

    Does not create the itemscope and itemtype attributes for nodes that are primitive (and therefore which do not represent a "scope" having itemprops nested within it). Instead, for primitive nodes, other than Text add the data-itemtype attribute, do they can be styled if so desired.


    • node: Node

      The node to create Microdata attributes for

    • Optional id: string

      Id of the Microdata item. Used to link to this node using the itemref property.

    Returns MicrodataItem


  • microdataItemprop(property: string, role?: Role): [string | undefined, string | undefined]
  • Get the HTML Microdata itemprop for a Stencila Schema property.

    The itemprop attribute is normally just the name of the property i.e. it is not prefixed by a base URL. This function returns the [prefix, name] pair e.g. ["schema", "author"], ["codemeta", "maintainer"] because you may only want to encode itemprops for well known schemas e.g. schema.org




    • property: string

      The name of the property

    • Optional role: Role

      Is the node for which attributes are being generated an item within an array property? e.g. a Person in authors.

    Returns [string | undefined, string | undefined]


  • microdataItemtype(type: keyof Types): string | undefined


  • Create MicrodataProperty attributes for a node property.


    • property: string

      The name of the property

    • Optional role: Role
    • Optional id: string

      Id of another Microdata item to link to using the itemref property.

    Returns MicrodataProperty


  • microdataRoot(): { data-itemscope: "root" }
  • Get the 'pseudo' HTML Microdata attribute for the root element.

    This attribute name / value pair is used to scope CSS variables to the root Stencila node in an HML document. It is used by Encoda when encoding to HTML, it is in Thema to scope CSS variable thereby avoiding variable name clashes from using the CSS :root pseudo-class.

    Although not directly related to Microdata, given it is used in both of those projects, this appears to be the best place for it.

    Returns { data-itemscope: "root" }

    • data-itemscope: "root"


  • microdataType(itemtype: string): keyof Types | undefined
  • Get the Stencila Schema type from a HTML Microdata itemtype.

    This is the inverse of microdataItemtype.


    • itemtype: string

    Returns keyof Types | undefined


  • microdataUrl(type?: string): string
  • Get the URL used in Microdata attributes.

    This is used to normalize the versioned URL from the JSON-LD context.


    • type: string = ''

    Returns string

Const monetaryGrant

  • Create a MonetaryGrant node


    • props: Omit<MonetaryGrant, "type"> = {}

      Object containing MonetaryGrant schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns MonetaryGrant

    MonetaryGrant schema node

Const nodeIs

  • nodeIs<T>(typeMap: T): (node?: Node) => node is ExtractGeneric<T>
  • Returns a type guard to determine whether a node belongs to a set of types. Returns a boolean value and narrows the TypeScript inferred type to the type.

    Type parameters


    • typeMap: T

    Returns (node?: Node) => node is ExtractGeneric<T>

      • (node?: Node): node is ExtractGeneric<T>
      • Parameters

        • Optional node: Node

          A Stencila schema node object

        Returns node is ExtractGeneric<T>

Const nodeType

Const nontextualAnnotation

  • Create a NontextualAnnotation node


    • props: Omit<NontextualAnnotation, "type">

      Object containing NontextualAnnotation schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns NontextualAnnotation

    NontextualAnnotation schema node

Const note

  • Create a Note node


    • props: Omit<Note, "type">

      Object containing Note schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Note

    Note schema node

Const numberValidator

  • Create a NumberValidator node


    • props: Omit<NumberValidator, "type"> = {}

      Object containing NumberValidator schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns NumberValidator

    NumberValidator schema node

Const organization

  • Create a Organization node


    • props: Omit<Organization, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Organization schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Organization

    Organization schema node

Const paragraph

  • Create a Paragraph node


    • props: Omit<Paragraph, "type">

      Object containing Paragraph schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Paragraph

    Paragraph schema node

Const parameter

  • Create a Parameter node


    • props: Omit<Parameter, "type">

      Object containing Parameter schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Parameter

    Parameter schema node

Const periodical

  • Create a Periodical node


    • props: Omit<Periodical, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Periodical schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Periodical

    Periodical schema node

Const person

  • Create a Person node


    • props: Omit<Person, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Person schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Person

    Person schema node

Const postalAddress

  • Create a PostalAddress node


    • props: Omit<PostalAddress, "type"> = {}

      Object containing PostalAddress schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns PostalAddress

    PostalAddress schema node

Const product

  • Create a Product node


    • props: Omit<Product, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Product schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Product

    Product schema node

Const propertyValue

  • Create a PropertyValue node


    • props: Omit<PropertyValue, "type">

      Object containing PropertyValue schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns PropertyValue

    PropertyValue schema node

Const publicationIssue

  • Create a PublicationIssue node


    • props: Omit<PublicationIssue, "type"> = {}

      Object containing PublicationIssue schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns PublicationIssue

    PublicationIssue schema node

Const publicationVolume

  • Create a PublicationVolume node


    • props: Omit<PublicationVolume, "type"> = {}

      Object containing PublicationVolume schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns PublicationVolume

    PublicationVolume schema node

Const quote

  • Create a Quote node


    • props: Omit<Quote, "type">

      Object containing Quote schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Quote

    Quote schema node

Const quoteBlock

  • Create a QuoteBlock node


    • props: Omit<QuoteBlock, "type">

      Object containing QuoteBlock schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns QuoteBlock

    QuoteBlock schema node

Const review

  • Create a Review node


    • props: Omit<Review, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Review schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Review

    Review schema node

Const softwareApplication

  • Create a SoftwareApplication node


    • props: Omit<SoftwareApplication, "type"> = {}

      Object containing SoftwareApplication schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns SoftwareApplication

    SoftwareApplication schema node

Const softwareEnvironment

  • Create a SoftwareEnvironment node


    • props: Omit<SoftwareEnvironment, "type">

      Object containing SoftwareEnvironment schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns SoftwareEnvironment

    SoftwareEnvironment schema node

Const softwareSession

  • Create a SoftwareSession node


    • props: Omit<SoftwareSession, "type"> = {}

      Object containing SoftwareSession schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns SoftwareSession

    SoftwareSession schema node

Const softwareSourceCode

  • Create a SoftwareSourceCode node


    • props: Omit<SoftwareSourceCode, "type"> = {}

      Object containing SoftwareSourceCode schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns SoftwareSourceCode

    SoftwareSourceCode schema node

Const stringValidator

  • Create a StringValidator node


    • props: Omit<StringValidator, "type"> = {}

      Object containing StringValidator schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns StringValidator

    StringValidator schema node

Const strong

  • Create a Strong node


    • props: Omit<Strong, "type">

      Object containing Strong schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Strong

    Strong schema node

Const subscript

  • Create a Subscript node


    • props: Omit<Subscript, "type">

      Object containing Subscript schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Subscript

    Subscript schema node

Const superscript

  • Create a Superscript node


    • props: Omit<Superscript, "type">

      Object containing Superscript schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Superscript

    Superscript schema node

Const table

  • Create a Table node


    • props: Omit<Table, "type">

      Object containing Table schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Table

    Table schema node

Const tableCell

  • Create a TableCell node


    • props: Omit<TableCell, "type">

      Object containing TableCell schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns TableCell

    TableCell schema node

Const tableRow

  • Create a TableRow node


    • props: Omit<TableRow, "type">

      Object containing TableRow schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns TableRow

    TableRow schema node

Const thematicBreak

  • Create a ThematicBreak node


    • props: Omit<ThematicBreak, "type"> = {}

      Object containing ThematicBreak schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns ThematicBreak

    ThematicBreak schema node

Const thing

  • Create a Thing node


    • props: Omit<Thing, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Thing schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Thing

    Thing schema node

Const tupleValidator

  • Create a TupleValidator node


    • props: Omit<TupleValidator, "type"> = {}

      Object containing TupleValidator schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns TupleValidator

    TupleValidator schema node

Const typeIs

  • typeIs<T>(typeMap: T): (type: string) => boolean
  • Returns a function which returns true is the type is a member of the type map.

    Type parameters


    • typeMap: T

      An object containing schema type values

    Returns (type: string) => boolean

      • (type: string): boolean
      • Parameters

        • type: string

        Returns boolean

Const validator

  • Create a Validator node


    • props: Omit<Validator, "type"> = {}

      Object containing Validator schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Validator

    Validator schema node

Const variable

  • Create a Variable node


    • props: Omit<Variable, "type">

      Object containing Variable schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns Variable

    Variable schema node

Const videoObject

  • Create a VideoObject node


    • props: Omit<VideoObject, "type">

      Object containing VideoObject schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns VideoObject

    VideoObject schema node

Const volumeMount

  • Create a VolumeMount node


    • props: Omit<VolumeMount, "type">

      Object containing VolumeMount schema properties as key/value pairs

    Returns VolumeMount

    VolumeMount schema node

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