

All type schemas that are derived from Validator


@id Type Description
stencila:Validator Validator A base for all validator types.
stencila:ArrayValidator ArrayValidator A validator specifying constraints on an array node.
stencila:BooleanValidator BooleanValidator A schema specifying that a node must be a boolean value.
stencila:ConstantValidator ConstantValidator A validator specifying a constant value that a node must have.
stencila:EnumValidator EnumValidator A schema specifying that a node must be one of several values.
stencila:IntegerValidator IntegerValidator A validator specifying the constraints on an integer node.
stencila:NumberValidator NumberValidator A validator specifying the constraints on a numeric node.
stencila:StringValidator StringValidator A schema specifying constraints on a string node.
stencila:TupleValidator TupleValidator A validator specifying constraints on an array of heterogeneous items.

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