Source code for pyla.servers

Module for server classes.

import enum
import json
import logging
import sys
import typing
from socket import socket

from stencila.schema.json import dict_decode, object_encode
from stencila.schema.types import Node

from .errors import CapabilityError
from .interpreter import Interpreter

StreamType = typing.Union[typing.BinaryIO, socket]

[docs]def rpc_json_object_encode(node: Node) -> typing.Union[dict, str]: """ Like `stencila.schema.json.object_encode` but with support for `JsonRpcError`. """ if isinstance(node, JsonRpcError): return {"code": node.code.value, "message": str(node), "data":} return object_encode(node)
[docs]def to_json(node: Node) -> str: """ Convert a node including `JsonRrpcError`s, to JSON. """ return json.dumps(node, default=rpc_json_object_encode, indent=2)
[docs]def data_to_bytes(data: typing.Any) -> bytes: """ Convert `data` to `bytes`. """ return bytes((data,))
[docs]def encode_int(number: int) -> bytes: """ Pack `number` into varint bytes. """ buf = b"" while True: to_write = number & 0x7F number >>= 7 if number: buf += data_to_bytes(to_write | 0x80) else: buf += data_to_bytes(to_write) break return buf
[docs]def read_one(stream: StreamType) -> int: """ Read a byte from a stream. Raises EOFError if the stream ends while reading bytes. """ char = stream_read(stream, 1) if not char: raise EOFError("Unexpected EOF while reading bytes") return ord(char)
[docs]def read_length_prefix(stream: StreamType) -> int: """ Read a varint from stream. """ shift = 0 result = 0 while True: i = read_one(stream) result |= (i & 0x7F) << shift shift += 7 if not i & 0x80: break return result
[docs]def get_stream_buffer(stream: typing.BinaryIO) -> typing.BinaryIO: """ Get the buffer from a stream, if it exists. """ buffer = getattr(stream, "buffer", None) return buffer if buffer else stream
[docs]def io_read(stream: typing.BinaryIO, count: int) -> bytes: """ Read `count` bytes from stream or its underlying buffer (if it exists). """ return get_stream_buffer(stream).read(count)
[docs]def io_write(stream: typing.BinaryIO, message: bytes) -> None: """ Write to a stream or its underlying buffer (if it exists). """ stream = get_stream_buffer(stream) stream.write(message) stream.flush()
[docs]def stream_read(stream: StreamType, count: int) -> bytes: """ Abstract reading from stream to work with IO (buffered/unbuffered) and sockets. """ if isinstance(stream, socket): return stream.recv(count) return io_read(stream, count)
[docs]def stream_write(stream: StreamType, message: bytes) -> None: """ Abstract writing to stream to work with IO (buffered/unbuffered) and sockets. """ if isinstance(stream, socket): stream.send(message) else: io_write(stream, message)
[docs]def message_read(stream: StreamType) -> str: """ Read a length-prefixed message from the stream. """ message_len = read_length_prefix(stream) return stream_read(stream, message_len).decode("utf8")
[docs]def message_write(stream: StreamType, message: str) -> None: """ Write a length-prefixed message to the stream. """ bites = message.encode("utf8") stream_write(stream, encode_int(len(bites))) stream_write(stream, bites)
[docs]class JsonRpcErrorCode(enum.Enum): """ Error codes defined in JSON-RPC 2.0 Codes -32000 to -32099 are reserved for implementation-defined server-errors. Python implementation of Executa's [JsonRpcErrorCode]( """ """ Invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text. """ ParseError = -32700 """The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.""" InvalidRequest = -32600 """The method does not exist / is not available.""" MethodNotFound = -32601 """Invalid method parameter(s).""" InvalidParams = -32602 """Internal JSON-RPC error.""" InternalError = -32603 """Generic server error.""" ServerError = -32000 """Capability error.""" CapabilityError = -32005
[docs]class JsonRpcError(Exception): """ A JSON-RPC error that may be part of a response Python implementation of Executa's [JsonRpcError]( """ """ A number that indicates the error type that occurred. This MUST be an integer. """ code: JsonRpcErrorCode """ A primitive or structured value that contains additional information about the error. This may be omitted. The value of this member is defined by the server (e.g. detailed error information, nested errors etc.). """ data: typing.Any def __init__(self, code: JsonRpcErrorCode, message: str, data: typing.Any = None): super().__init__(message) self.code = code = data
[docs]class StreamServer: """ A server that communicates using length-prefixed JSON-RPC messages over streams or sockets. Python implementation of Executa's [StreamServer]( """ interpreter: Interpreter input_stream: StreamType output_stream: StreamType def __init__( self, interpreter: Interpreter, input_stream: StreamType, output_stream: StreamType, ) -> None: self.interpreter = interpreter self.input_stream = input_stream self.output_stream = output_stream
[docs] def read_message(self) -> typing.Iterable[str]: """ Read a length-prefixed message from the input stream then repeat. """ while True: yield message_read(self.input_stream)
[docs] def write_message(self, message: str) -> None: """ Write a length-prefixed message to the output stream. """ message_write(self.output_stream, message)
[docs] def receive_message(self, message: str) -> str: """ Receive a JSON-RPC request and send back a JSON-RPC response. The response may have a JSON-RPC `error` if the request was bad. Python implementation of Executa's [Server.receive]( """ request_id = None result = None error = None try: try: request = json.loads(message) except Exception as exc: raise JsonRpcError( JsonRpcErrorCode.ParseError, "Parse error: {}".format(exc) ) from exc request_id = request.get("id") method = request.get("method") params = request.get("params") if method == "manifest": result = Interpreter.MANIFEST elif method in ("compile", "execute"): node = params.get("node") if node is None: raise JsonRpcError( JsonRpcErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Invalid params: "node" is missing', ) node = dict_decode(node) result = ( self.interpreter.compile(node) if method == "compile" else self.interpreter.execute(node) ) else: raise JsonRpcError( JsonRpcErrorCode.MethodNotFound, "Method not found: {}".format(method), ) except JsonRpcError as exc: error = exc except CapabilityError as exc: error = JsonRpcError( JsonRpcErrorCode.CapabilityError, "Capability error: {}".format(exc) ) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except logging.exception(exc) error = JsonRpcError( JsonRpcErrorCode.ServerError, "Internal error: {}".format(exc) ) response: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": request_id, "result": result, "error": error, } return to_json(response)
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Run the server in a loop forever. This will run forever because the `read_message` generator never finishes. """ for message in self.read_message(): response = self.receive_message(message) self.write_message(response)
[docs]class StdioServer(StreamServer): """ A `StreamServer` that uses `stdio` as the transport. Python implementation of Executa's [StdioServer]( """ def __init__(self, interpreter: Interpreter): super().__init__(interpreter, sys.stdin.buffer, sys.stdout.buffer)