Source code for pyla.interpreter

This is for interpreting and executing an executable document in JSON format. It can be called from the command line:

python3 <infile> <outfile> [document parameters]

See for more information.

Warning: `eval` and `exec` are used to run code in the document. Don't execute documents that you haven't verified

import ast
import base64
import datetime
import logging
import sys
import typing
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from io import BytesIO, TextIOWrapper

import astor
from stencila.schema.types import (

from .errors import CapabilityError
from .parser import (

if sys.version_info > (3, 8):
    AstModule = ast.Module
    AstModule = lambda nodelist, type_ignores: ast.Module(nodelist)

    import matplotlib.artist
    import matplotlib.figure
    from matplotlib.cbook import silent_list

    # pylint: disable=C0103
    MPLFigure = matplotlib.figure.Figure
    # pylint: disable=C0103
    MPLArtist = matplotlib.artist.Artist
except ImportError:
    # pylint: disable=R0903
[docs] class MPLFigure: # type: ignore """A fake MPLFigure to prevent ReferenceErrors later."""
# pylint: disable=R0903
[docs] class MLPArtist: # type: ignore """A fake MLPArtist to prevent ReferenceErrors later."""
# pylint: disable=R0903,C0103
[docs] class silent_list: # type: ignore """A fake silent_list to prevent ReferenceErrors later."""
MPL_AVAILABLE = False try: import numpy from pandas import DataFrame PANDAS_AVAILABLE = True except ImportError: # pylint: disable=R0903
[docs] class DataFrame: # type: ignore """A fake DataFrame to prevent ReferenceErrors later."""
PANDAS_AVAILABLE = False LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOGGER.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) CHUNK_PREVIEW_LENGTH = 20 ExecutableCode = typing.Union[CodeChunkExecution, CodeExpression] StatementRuntime = typing.Tuple[bool, typing.Union[str], typing.Callable] # Used to indicate that a particular output should not be added to outputs (c.f. a valid `None` value) SKIP_OUTPUT_SEMAPHORE = object()
[docs]class CodeTimer: """ Context handler for timing code, use inside a `with` statement. """ _start_time: datetime.datetime duration: typing.Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None def __enter__(self): self.duration = None self._start_time = return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.duration = - self._start_time @property def duration_seconds(self) -> float: """Calculate the duration (time between `__enter__` and `__exit__` in microseconds.""" if not self.duration: raise RuntimeError("CodeTimer has not yet been run") return self.duration.total_seconds()
[docs]class StdoutBuffer(TextIOWrapper): """ Used for capturing output to stdout. """
[docs] def write(self, string: typing.Union[bytes, str]) -> int: if isinstance(string, str): return super().write(string) return super().buffer.write(string)
[docs]class DocumentCompilationResult(typing.NamedTuple): """ Stores references to Parameters and Code that is parsed from a Document. """ parameters: typing.List[Parameter] = [] code: typing.List[ExecutableCode] = []
[docs]class DocumentCompiler: """ Parse an executable document (`Article`) and cache references to its parameters and code nodes. """ TARGET_LANGUAGE = "python" function_depth: int = 0
[docs] def compile(self, source: Article) -> DocumentCompilationResult: """ Compile an `Article` by walking it and finding `Parameter`s and `CodeChunk` or `CodeExpression` nodes. These are set on a `DocumentCompilationResult` which can be passed to the `Interpreter`. """ self.function_depth = 0 dcr = DocumentCompilationResult() self.handle_item(source, dcr) return dcr
[docs] def handle_item( self, item: typing.Any, compilation_result: DocumentCompilationResult ) -> None: """ Parse any kind of dict, list of Entity. Returns nothing but updates the passed in `DocumentCompilationResult`. """ if isinstance(item, dict): self.traverse_dict(item, compilation_result) elif isinstance(item, list): self.traverse_list(item, compilation_result) elif isinstance(item, Entity): if isinstance(item, (CodeChunk, CodeExpression)): if ( item.programmingLanguage == self.TARGET_LANGUAGE ): # Only add Python code self.handle_code(item, compilation_result) elif isinstance(item, Parameter) and self.function_depth == 0: compilation_result.parameters.append(item) LOGGER.debug("Adding %s", type(item)) if isinstance(item, Function): # This prevents treating a `Parameter` found inside `Function` as a document parameter self.function_depth += 1 self.traverse_dict(item.__dict__, compilation_result) if isinstance(item, Function): self.function_depth -= 1
[docs] @staticmethod def handle_code( item: typing.Union[CodeChunk, CodeExpression], compilation_result: DocumentCompilationResult, ) -> None: """ Parse a CodeChunk or CodeExpression and add it to `compilation_result.code` list. """ if isinstance(item, CodeChunk): cc_result, item = Interpreter.compile_code_chunk(item) code_to_add = CodeChunkExecution(item, cc_result) else: try: ast.parse(item.text) except SyntaxError as exc: # Probably will only be this set_code_error(item, exc) code_to_add = item compilation_result.code.append(code_to_add) LOGGER.debug("Adding %s", type(item))
[docs] def traverse_dict( self, _dict: dict, compilation_result: DocumentCompilationResult ) -> None: """ Traverse into each item of a dict. """ for child in _dict.values(): self.handle_item(child, compilation_result)
[docs] def traverse_list( self, _list: typing.List, compilation_result: DocumentCompilationResult ) -> None: """ Traverse into each element in a list. """ for child in _list: self.handle_item(child, compilation_result)
[docs]class Interpreter: """Execute a list of code blocks, maintaining its own `globals` scope for this execution run.""" """ List of values for the `programmingLanguage` property that are handled by this interpreter. """ PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGES = ["py", "python"] """ JSON Schema specification of the types of nodes that this intertpreter's `compile` and `execute` methods are capable of handling """ CODE_CAPABILITIES = { "type": "object", "required": ["node"], "properties": { "node": { "type": "object", "required": ["type", "programmingLanguage"], "properties": { "type": {"enum": ["CodeChunk", "CodeExpression"]}, "programmingLanguage": {"enum": PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGES}, }, } }, } """ The manifest of this interpreter's capabilities and addresses. Conforms to Executa's [Manifest]( interface. """ MANIFEST = { "version": 1, "capabilities": {"compile": CODE_CAPABILITIES, "execute": CODE_CAPABILITIES}, "addresses": { "stdio": { "type": "stdio", "command": sys.executable, "args": ["-m", "stencila.pyla", "serve"], } }, } globals: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] locals: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] def __init__(self) -> None: self.globals = {} self.locals = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def compile_code_chunk( chunk: CodeChunk, ) -> typing.Tuple[CodeChunkParseResult, CodeChunk]: """ Compile a `CodeChunk`. Returns a `CodeChunkParseResult` which is primarily needed for the AST, and the `CodeChunk` itself, which has its code metadata properties set. """ parser = CodeChunkParser() cc_result = parser.parse(chunk) chunk.imports = cc_result.combined_code_imports(chunk.imports) chunk.declares = cc_result.declares chunk.assigns = cc_result.assigns chunk.alters = cc_result.alters chunk.uses = cc_result.uses chunk.reads = cc_result.reads if cc_result.error: set_code_error(chunk, cc_result.error) return cc_result, chunk
[docs] @staticmethod def compile(node: Node) -> Node: """ Compile a `CodeChunk`. """ if isinstance(node, CodeChunk) and Interpreter.is_python_code(node): return Interpreter.compile_code_chunk(node)[1] raise CapabilityError("compile", node=node)
[docs] def execute( self, node: Node, parameter_values: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = None ) -> Node: """ Execute a `CodeChunk` or `CodeExpression`. """ _locals = self.locals if parameter_values is not None: _locals.update(parameter_values) if isinstance(node, CodeExpression): return self.execute_code_expression(node, _locals) if isinstance(node, CodeChunk): cce = simple_code_chunk_parse(node) return self.execute_code_chunk(cce, _locals) if isinstance(node, CodeChunkExecution): return self.execute_code_chunk(node, _locals) raise CapabilityError("execute", node=node)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_python_code(code: typing.Union[CodeChunk, CodeExpression]) -> bool: """ Is a `CodeChunk` or `CodeExpression` Python code? """ return code.programmingLanguage.lower() in Interpreter.PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGES
[docs] def execute_code_expression( self, expression: CodeExpression, _locals: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] ) -> CodeExpression: """ Evaluate `CodeExpression.text`, and get the result. Catch any exception the occurs. """ try: # pylint: disable=W0123 # Disable warning that eval is being used. expression.output = self.decode_output( eval(expression.text, self.globals, _locals) ) # pylint: disable=W0703 # we really don't know what Exception some eval'd code might raise. except Exception as exc: set_code_error(expression, exc) return expression
[docs] def execute_code_chunk( self, chunk_execution: CodeChunkExecution, _locals: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] ) -> CodeChunk: """ Execute a `CodeChunk` that has been parsed and stored in a `CodeChunkExecution`. """ chunk, parse_result = chunk_execution if parse_result.chunk_ast is None: "Not executing CodeChunk without AST: %s", chunk.text[:CHUNK_PREVIEW_LENGTH], ) return chunk cc_outputs: typing.List[typing.Any] = [] duration = 0.0 for statement in parse_result.chunk_ast.body: duration, error_occurred = self.execute_statement( statement, chunk, _locals, cc_outputs, duration ) if error_occurred: break # stop executing the rest of the statements in the chunk after capturing the outputs chunk.duration = duration if MPL_AVAILABLE: # Because of the way matplotlib might progressively build an image, only keep the last MPL that was # generated for a specific code chunk mpl_output_indexes = [ i for i, output in enumerate(cc_outputs) if self.value_is_mpl(output) ] if mpl_output_indexes: for i in reversed(mpl_output_indexes[:-1]): # remove all but the last mpl cc_outputs.pop(i) new_last_index = mpl_output_indexes[-1] - ( len(mpl_output_indexes) - 1 ) # output will have shifted back cc_outputs[new_last_index] = self.decode_mpl() chunk.outputs = cc_outputs return chunk
[docs] def execute_statement( self, statement: ast.stmt, chunk: CodeChunk, _locals: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], cc_outputs: typing.List[str], duration: float, ) -> typing.Tuple[float, bool]: """ Execute a single AST statement. The statement will be executed with `eval` or `exec` depending on its type (see `parse_statement_runtime`). """ error_occurred = False capture_result, code_to_run, run_function = self.parse_statement_runtime( statement ) stdout = StdoutBuffer(BytesIO(), sys.stdout.encoding) result = None with redirect_stdout(stdout): try: with CodeTimer() as code_timer: result = run_function(code_to_run, self.globals, _locals) duration += code_timer.duration_seconds # pylint: disable=W0703 # we really don't know what Exception some exec'd code might raise. except Exception as exc: error_occurred = True set_code_error(chunk, exc) if capture_result and result is not None: self.add_output(cc_outputs, result) std_out_output = if std_out_output: cc_outputs.append(std_out_output.decode("utf8")) # could save a variable by returning `duration` as `None` if an error occurs but I think that breaks readability return duration, error_occurred
[docs] def add_output( self, cc_outputs: typing.List[typing.Any], result: typing.Any ) -> None: """ Add an output to cc_outputs. Should be inside `execute_statement` as it's only used there, but pylint complains about too many local variables. """ decoded = self.decode_output(result) if decoded != SKIP_OUTPUT_SEMAPHORE: cc_outputs.append(decoded)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_statement_runtime(statement: ast.stmt) -> StatementRuntime: """ Determine the information to execute a statement. Returns the function with which to execute a statement (`eval` or `exec`), whether its output should be captured or not, and the compiled code to execute. See the other comments below on how/why these functions are chosen. """ if isinstance(statement, ast.Expr): # An expression is something that we want to capture the result of - this could be something like # `a + 3` or a function call (not an assignment). It must be executed with `eval`. Since `eval` can't # execute compiled code, `astor` is used to convert it back to source code. capture_result = True run_function = eval code_to_run = astor.to_source(statement) else: # We don't care about the result of this call (it could just be an assignment, update or even function # definition) so it can be executed with `exec`. capture_result = False run_function = exec mod = AstModule([statement], []) code_to_run = compile(mod, "<ast>", "exec") return capture_result, code_to_run, run_function
[docs] @staticmethod def value_is_mpl(value: typing.Any) -> bool: """ Basic type checking to determine if a variable is a matplotlib figure. """ if not MPL_AVAILABLE: return False return isinstance(value, (MPLFigure, MPLArtist)) or ( isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 1 and isinstance(value[0], MPLArtist) )
[docs] @staticmethod def decode_mpl() -> ImageObject: """ Decode a matplotlib `MPLFigure` or `MPLArtist` into an `ImageObject`. The `matplotlib.pyplot.savefig` function just saves the current MPL figure that's in the context. """ image = BytesIO() matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(image, format="png") src = "data:image/png;base64," + base64.encodebytes(image.getvalue()).decode() return ImageObject(src)
[docs] @staticmethod def decode_dataframe(data_frame: DataFrame) -> Datatable: """ Decode a pandas `DataFrame` into a `Datatable`. """ columns = [] for column_name in data_frame.columns: column = data_frame[column_name] values = column.tolist() if column.dtype in (numpy.bool_, numpy.bool8): validator = BooleanValidator() values = [bool(row) for row in values] elif column.dtype in (numpy.int8, numpy.int16, numpy.int32, numpy.int64): validator = IntegerValidator() values = [int(row) for row in values] elif column.dtype in (numpy.float16, numpy.float32, numpy.float64): validator = NumberValidator() values = [float(row) for row in values] elif column.dtype in (numpy.str_, numpy.unicode_,): validator = StringValidator() else: validator = None columns.append( DatatableColumn( column_name, values, validator=ArrayValidator(itemsValidator=validator), ) ) return Datatable(columns)
[docs] def decode_output(self, output: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Check if the output is convertible from a special data type to a Stencila type. If not, just return the original object.""" if MPL_AVAILABLE: if isinstance(output, silent_list): return SKIP_OUTPUT_SEMAPHORE if isinstance(output, list): return [self.decode_output(item) for item in output] if isinstance(output, tuple): return tuple(self.decode_output(item) for item in output) if isinstance(output, DataFrame): return self.decode_dataframe(output) if PANDAS_AVAILABLE: if isinstance(output, numpy.ndarray): return output.tolist() return output